Category Archives: Movies

Slowly but surely the year comes to an end

I feel the need to be domestic, and yet there’s barely anything for me to do!  I cleaned the house really well before we left for CA since I knew we’d be tired when we got home.  There were no decorations so that didn’t need to be dealt with.  All that has left me to do is laundry and the daily clean-up in the kitchen.

All that spare time means I’ve been catching up on my blog reading and that might have gotten me into some trouble 😉

It’s been fun seeing what everyone is planning for 2015.  I mentioned to Mister this morning that I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years since the world was freaking out about Y2K.

My own plans to date have included my going back to 101 things in 1001 days and I’ve set up my page.  I don’t know what version I finally published because I caught myself waking up at night thinking “oh wait!  I want to do this too!”.  But it is what it is and I’ve left myself some breathing room as far as my quilting and stitching goes.  It’s probably cheating but I can’t imagine trying to create needle and thread goals for 2 3/4 years.

Speaking of those goals, I’m going back to participating in WIPocalypse.  I wish I still had my old lists so I can laugh at myself.  My lists were so long that I scared myself from getting much done.  I wasn’t quilting at the time either.  Since the guidelines have changed and quilting is included, I’ve decided to try it again, but this time around I’m starting small and building.  It contains 5 stitching things and 5 quilting things.  I’ll be posting the list next week.

For now I’ll leave you with the list of movies I watched all day while stitching and doing laundry:  A Christmas Carol, Meet me in St. Louis, Elf, A Lion in Winter, and Trading Places.  Quite an eclectic Christmas season selection 😉


The weather was perfect yesterday for our hike. There was a slight breeze, the sky was clear and our humidity has dropped to 47%. Even at 7 a.m. the parking lot was filling from people having a long weekend. We didn’t see any hikers on the trail, but were passed several times by bikers. I rarely stop on the way up, as I don’t want to lose my momentum, but I had to stop to share evidence of our trail being shared, and why I’m glad we’re out there at daylight.  You’ll probably have to click the photo to see it.

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There is so much evidence of the influence of water here.  I usually want to stop and snap photos all the way down the mountain, but Mister was quite a ways ahead of me so I only stopped a few times.

I would love to take this home with me and put it in my front yard.  I think it’s so beautiful.  I’m thinking of asking Mister, or my dad, to paint me a photo of it for the house.

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The rain from last week is being taken advantage of.

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All the saguaro have blooms either coming or going.   They’ll all be gone in a couple of days, though, since we’re not expecting any more rain, and they only bloom 1 day.

Look!  A desert squid.

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By 11:00 yesterday I’d had my hike, taken the dogs for a quick walk, gone to the grocery store and had everything cut up and put away.  So much energy!  I had to make myself sit and read a new quilt magazine.

We had a late lunch at Chipotle and hit the movies.  By the title you probably know we saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Wish Son had been with us.  The TV program was one he enjoyed growing up, and I can remember us going to one of the movies at a drive-in.  (Am I the only one that misses drive-ins?)

The rest of the evening was spent watching baseball and puttering.

So far my getting back to eating healthy is going great. My ‘frig’ is full of fresh veggies, my cupboards are getting emptier and emptier (I’m struggling to think of things for “pantry night.”) I hit the store just right yesterday and got 2 free range natural fed whole chickens, 3 grass-fed steaks, wild caught salmon, and 1 package of pork ribs for $30 less, so my freezer is at capacity. This is 15 meals for us.

Mister is headed out for a 30 mile ride (he has a tri in October) and I’m hoping to get some stitching done while I wait on him to come back.  Later this afternoon I’m shopping for more weapons and tools.

Still no sewing this week, but I hate starting something when I only have a few minutes.  There will be plenty of time after shopping and the rest of the weekend.

It’s a good weekend

Friday we hiked.  It.  Was.  Rough!  My knees weren’t happy after doing Zumba on Monday and Wednesday, plus it was 87% humidity after raining the previous 2 days.  Next week I’ll be heading out on my own while Mister runs the route.

After our showers we headed over toward ASU for Mister to pick up a study pack for one class and then to the art store for his supplies for this term.  I found a white charcoal pencil for marking dark fabrics and some perma-ink pens for labels.  I love finding quilt supplies at non-quilt stores.

Then we went to find the Farmers Market.  Boy, was THAT a disappointment.  It was a store.  Granted they had items in there that were local (meats, dairy, eggs, vegetables, etc.) but still it wasn’t the actual vendors themselves.  I felt cheated since the website made me feel that’s what I would find.  I didn’t buy anything.

During our Friday lunch out, where I ate too much, I decided I was just too tired to go to the movies.  I was actually afraid I might fall asleep so we came home instead.

I spent some time upstairs.  I printed and cut out several Wild & Goosey patterns and the remaining patterns needed for my guild BOM Challenge.  Then I managed to piece together another Wild & Goosey block.

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Later that evening I finished my version of Lizzie Kate’s Cross-Stitcher in Residence.  I haven’t decided how I’m going to finish it out, yet.

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I have a round robin piece that a friend asked me to add to then I’m probably going to start Sam Sarah’s Mystery Sampler.  I’m in love with the fabrics and fiber colors.

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Saturday we headed out to see Guardians of the Galaxy and do a couple more errands.  Came home to a good mail day.  Two reams of newsprint for paper piecing (I now have 3 paper piecing projects going), Dear Jane Quilt book, and my one and only Market purchase, The Scarlett House’s Hannah’s Brownstone.

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Dinner last night was a treat.  Mister cooked omelets.  Yummy, and no cooking for me.

This morning I decided to do my July Red Scrappy BOM Challenge block.  If you look too close you can see the red smeared a bit on the white.  Bummer, but I’ll live.  There’s a faint red streak on the bottom of my iron plate that needs to be cleaned when it cools off.

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The bulletin board over my laptop is looking very pretty.

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The icing on the cake of my good weekend is dinner at some friends tonight to celebrate a birthday.


Another week gone

It’s amazing to me how little I’ve gotten done since my last post!  😆  I still have 20 boxes to unpack, although I only have 2 that have not been opened.

I made it to Attic Needlework for their Thursday evening stitch-in.   Didn’t spend a dime either!

Son and Girlfriend arrived early Saturday morning.  We spent a whole lot of time doing nothing while they were here.  Son has been working 60+ hour weeks and he napped quite a bit while he was here.  No problem to me, it was nice just to have them here.  I feel like Girlfriend is more of a DIL each time we’re around her.  She’s so good about texting and emailing me and I’ve given up on trying to not like her!  😆  They’ve been a couple for 5+ years and I still get an “eek” moment when I think about that, since that made her still 16 when Son met her.  He had just turned 22!   There was one thing I noticed while they were here.  They are always laughing!  I think she has had to be the adult in her family for a long time and I think Son is as good for her as she is for him, since she straightened him out 😉

Their visit was way too short, and they left late Monday night since Son had to be to work on Tuesday.

M and I headed out shopping on Tuesday and came home with our Christmas presents.  (We always wait until after to get good deals).  He bought me a chandelier for the laundry room.  I absolutely love it!

We got him a WiFi BD/DVD player for our living room and we’ve been streaming Netflix and Amazon since he got it hooked up.  The puppies are enjoying it as well since they love sitting on top of us while we’re watching movies in the dark.  Right now we’re watching Firefly.

Annette came to visit this past Wednesday and we opened my stitching fabric boxes to find a perfect piece for my January 1 start, Petite Mexican Sampler by The Samplar Works.  It’s stitched with Au Ver a Soie “Soie d’Paris” silk, on 48 count “Napery Light Examplar” Lakeside linen but I (we) decided on 40ct Lakeside linen Palomino.

Since she’s left, that box has been screaming at me to come back and play! 😉  I purposefully left the fabric boxes to last because I knew I’d want to dive into them.  So far I’ve been strong and left them alone, but I feel myself weakening.

I’m still tweaking my WIPocalypse list for 2012.  Not so much the WIPs, although I did add in Hannah Beeby, but the new starts.  (In addition to the Petite sampler above, I’m thinking of adding in Queen of Hearts by Twisted Threads.)  I went through my two “retirement” boxes and pulled out the WIPs so I could list them (again, thanks to Annette).  I ended up with 34.  That seems like such a low number to me.  I just knew when it was all said and done I’d have 50!

I’ve also started listing my kitted items.  They are taking a bit more sorting since some of them are lacking fabric.  I know I have the perfect piece in my stash (again, the box is calling).  There are a couple that are missing embellishments (I know they’re in my “bits and pieces” drawer.  While I’m listing all of them, I’m sorting them into separate piles based upon what they’re missing.  Once I get them all sorted, I guess I need to start back through the pile and decide if I’m still interested in stitching them.  I have always been pretty picky about what I kit before I stitch, so I’m suspecting there will be very little weeding out.  I do, however, refuse to cut any fabric until I’m actually going to stitch.

All of the above was my taking a break from putting things in their proper home in my stitching room.  I got to the point where I felt like chucking it all since I was so tired of organizing.  I’m over that now, and am back to spending time organizing after I get the rest of my “chores” done and before I sit down to stitch.  Keeps me from feeling guilty about not doing it while I sit there doing “nothing.”

I’m still working on Hannah Beeby.  I’ve completed all of the top “letter” rows and am more than half-way through the 3rd motif on the top row.

I’ve also decided to participate in some exchanges this year.  I’m hoping to get into the Fair and Square group since I think those will be perfect for working on my sewing machine making pillows, ornaments, and other smalls.

Wednesday, already?

Wow, I feel like I lost Monday and Tuesday!

I was really glad to get to work on Monday morning. The weekend was full of nothing special so I don’t know why.  I did manage to stitch some though.

Tuesday found me at the hospital getting my annual mammogram. The tech told me she can tell by comparing last year’s xrays to this year’s xrays that I’ve lost weight. I’m glad someone can tell because I sure can’t!

Which leads me into this week’s Power of One. I’m down again in my unofficial weigh in. Sometimes it’s hard to track because while I’m stepping on my home scale for the Power of One challenge, I’m not caring what it says because my official weigh in at Weight Watchers is what I’m going by. (That sounds harsh reading back over it!)

I’ve had a major struggle the past couple of days. I’m not hungry, but all I can think about is eating. Cravings like crazy for home made fried chicken, coconut cake, soda. Everytime I think about needing to go somewhere the very next thought in my head is what food place is near/next to it. Tears have been involved. Today, a co-worker brought something from the Danish bakery down the street from us. I just want to cry again.

We finally made it to see The King’s Speech last night.  It was educational to both of us in some aspects and we both enjoyed it.  I read a book a very long time ago about Wallis Simpson, so was familiar with the era and the goings on in that direction, but didn’t know much else about the royal family.  It was heartbreaking in several places.

This coming weekend is my monthly stitchin and I’ll be spending the majority of the weekend with Melissa 🙂  Can’t wait!

Hump day already?

REMINDER! I’m having my first giveaway! Post in THIS THREAD for a chance.

The only good thing I have to say about being back to work is I cannot believe it’s Wednesday already. Hopefully this is a good sign that Monday through Friday will go by quickly.

Tuesday nights are movie nights for M and I. Last night’s choice was Voyage of the Dawn Treader. This is the first full length 3D movie I’ve seen. I was rather nervous about going since I cannot stand things jumping out at me, but M had heard that this 3D experience was nothing like that so I took a chance. I’m glad I did. I enjoyed the movie, and the 3D experience. There were only a couple of times I felt myself flinch.

We got home just in time to see the last half of the new Biggest Loser. (Mel I still want to watch the whole thing with you 🙂 ). Looks like it’s going to be an interesting season.

Tonight I have to get groceries or we’ll be eating condiments for supper! Perhaps I’ll have chance to stitch afterward.

Hump day!

I’m wishing my life away Monday through Friday at a time!  😆  I find myself living more and more for the weekends and I am in absolute agony waiting for my Christmas vacation to start.

We are talking a lot around here about retirement, maternity leave, and moving.  Right now, only the attorney I work for has no plans for any of the above! 😉  Boss has told other girl (who has a baby due the end of July) that he’s probably going to retire in June.  If M’s retirement ‘leave’ goes as we think it might I will probably want to quit mid-October at the lastest, depending on our house-hunting endeavors.  M mentioned my seeing about taking off a lot of time this coming summer to house hunt.  If we find a house, I’m moving into it and will wait on M to join me.

I have been playing around with my 2011 personal challenge.  I think I have a pretty good plan that currently includes mostly WIPs and some new ornaments.  I have several already stitched that I want to get ‘ornamentified’ so I want to be sure I leave myself time for that in the challenge.

We ended up seeing Burlesque last night.  I loved, loved, loved the music and costumes.  Cher was a little bit scary with her surgically altered lips but she can still sing!

It’s payday for me today.  I get the great joy of standing in line at the bank for my lunchbreak, and then I have some personal paperwork to take care of.  I might even have time to eat!

I’m attempting a new recipe from WW tonight and will share if I think it’s fit for consumption — in other words M enjoys it, too.


Very original subject line. I think I’m going to keep the countdown up but not so much in the headline all the time.

Thank you girls for your congratulations! M and I went out to celebrate last night. He’s actually excited. He even said he wants to have a ‘party.’ So not like him! 😆

It’s a little frightening to think it might actually be here.

Tonight is movie night for us and I have no idea what we’re going to see. We both want to see Burlesque and Narnia but it will depend on what’s showing when we get there, I imagine.

I really, really, want to stitch. I pulled my ornament magazines out Sunday and found a couple of ornaments already stitched, between some of the pages, from an ornament “RR” I was in many years ago. I had forgotten all about them so now I’ve got finishing ideas running through my head.

Oh, and the Brickle Brownies were a hit!

2011 Challenges

For 2011 I’ve decided to set New Year Challenges for myself.

Several of them will come from the thoughts posted here, as well as stitching challenges.

I have so many WIPs that are neglected that I’ve decided to pull at least 12 of them to see how far I can get on them in 2011. Two of them will be designs I want finished for the fair this summer – Mirabilia’s “Summer Queen” and Lani’s “High Fashion Collage.” The other 10, I’ll have to work on this month. I’d like to include a finish or two in there as well.

What I’m planning at this point is to rotate 2 designs until I get my fair pieces out of the way – Summer Queen and HFC. My main focus is going to be Summer Queen though since I really should have had her in the fair last year. I want HFC in there as well; however, I’m not putting the pressure on myself like I did last year to make it happen. I think pressuring myself like that is what got me into burnout and flat out no stitching. Anyway, I have to have HFC in my stand and since it takes time to set it up and tear it down, I’m going to only be working on it on non-working days – normally Saturday and Sunday, unless I have a holiday from work for whatever reason.

When I finish a design I’ll rethink when I’m working on what, and pick a new project from the other 10. The other 10 might include one other needlepoint piece, but I can work it in-hand and won’t need my stand. I start a 10 day vacation on December 24th so I will have to decide by then what I want my 12 pieces to be.

While it would be great to finish 12 pieces this next year, my plan is to challenge myself to STITCH on at least 12 of my WIPs in 2011. I wish I could say that there will be no new starts, but I know myself better than that and I’ll just have to figure out a way to include it/them.

These are my thoughts for the moment; however, I’m keeping an open mind since so many other stitchers out there often post great ideas that I don’t think of.

I’ll start a new tab at the top of my blog to chart my progress.


It’s a little weird at work. I’ve been seeing signs that come this next summer I may no longer be employed. Just a little comment here and there, plus Boss is ready to retire and we’ve started taking fewer cases and being more particular about the ones we are taking. I am not sad about it.


They are getting along so great! I can’t believe we’ve had Jasper for almost a year. I can remember how concerned I was in the beginning with him not getting along with Harley and him being so very different from Bandit. He is still such a sweetheart! He is probably always going to be a shy one and we’ve learned to accept that. He sure loves to snuggle in bed though, and he loves his chicken jerky! Harley has been on a diet and is looking better. Trying to get Jasper to eat was a challenge and once we found what he liked Harley started getting less – since she wasn’t eating his food too!


Still no work from HQMC about M’s retirement request. He did find out that retirement is calculated at the end of the month so instead of his retirement date being January 12, 2012, if accepted it would be January 31, 2012. He will be authorized 20 days to find a place to live and if he continues to accumulate leave at same rate he is now (meaning he’s not taking much time off and will lose it if he doesn’t use it) he will be retired on active duty probably the end of October 2011. Which means no matter what we are under a year. March 2011 or October 2011. My stomach gets butterflies thinking about it.

We went to see “RED” last night and enjoyed it.  Our local theater has started a discounted day — all day — any movie — on Tuesday so we’re trying to take advantage of it as often as possible.

This coming Saturday is my monthly Stitch-In and I’m really looking forward to seeing my stitchy friends. I will truly miss seeing them as often after we move. I’m planning on taking Pecan Pie Muffins.

Still 'gutting' it out

Kahuna has a plane load of Marines coming back from Iraq tonight (Woohoo!!)  so we decided to switch our movie night to last night (we saw Wall-e).  Because it wasn’t planned, we headed out for something ‘light’ for supper.  I ended up getting a chicken burrito, and even tho I asked for no beans, they substituted pintos for black beans.  There weren’t very many on there because I wasn’t really sure I was tasting them, but this morning, I knew for a fact that they were.  Beans K.I.L.L. me and my stomach was cramping so bad this morning that it woke me up.  I’m so sensitive to them  that I’m surprised I wasn’t hurting about a half hour after I ate them.  It’s now 3 hours after my shuffle around the neighborhood and I’m still in pain.  It made me so much slower because all I could focus on was my stomach and not my stride.  I am seriously praying that it goes away before swimming tonight. 

Kahuna lowered the nose of my seat last night so we’ll see how that works out tomorrow.  I know just a smidge can help considerably.  Of course I’ll try out the other bajillion saddles we have in the garage before spending the money on a new one, but I’m looking at the Koobi tri saddle if what we have doesn’t work.

Even though I haven’t raced my first triathlon, I’m already planning next year’s races.  I want to do the super sprint in May that I originally was supposed to do this year, but didn’t get to because of my PF (which is doing 90% better thankyouverymuch!). 

I also want to do a sprint early in the season before it gets too warm here (I was amazed at how hot it was at 8 a.m. a couple of weeks ago at Kahuna’s race, and could not imagine running on that concrete in that type of heat for an hour). 

Lastly, I am planning on doing the Subaru super sprint again next October, just so I can see how much I’ve improved my time. 

However, Darla’s comment below has made me go ‘hmmmmm’ and now I’m thinking about a relay before a full race by myself.  It would give me a chance to do a full open ocean swim without having to worry about the biking and running portion before attempting to do it all on my own.

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