The weather was perfect yesterday for our hike. There was a slight breeze, the sky was clear and our humidity has dropped to 47%. Even at 7 a.m. the parking lot was filling from people having a long weekend. We didn’t see any hikers on the trail, but were passed several times by bikers. I rarely stop on the way up, as I don’t want to lose my momentum, but I had to stop to share evidence of our trail being shared, and why I’m glad we’re out there at daylight. You’ll probably have to click the photo to see it.
There is so much evidence of the influence of water here. I usually want to stop and snap photos all the way down the mountain, but Mister was quite a ways ahead of me so I only stopped a few times.
I would love to take this home with me and put it in my front yard. I think it’s so beautiful. I’m thinking of asking Mister, or my dad, to paint me a photo of it for the house.
The rain from last week is being taken advantage of.
All the saguaro have blooms either coming or going. They’ll all be gone in a couple of days, though, since we’re not expecting any more rain, and they only bloom 1 day.
Look! A desert squid.
By 11:00 yesterday I’d had my hike, taken the dogs for a quick walk, gone to the grocery store and had everything cut up and put away. So much energy! I had to make myself sit and read a new quilt magazine.
We had a late lunch at Chipotle and hit the movies. By the title you probably know we saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Wish Son had been with us. The TV program was one he enjoyed growing up, and I can remember us going to one of the movies at a drive-in. (Am I the only one that misses drive-ins?)
The rest of the evening was spent watching baseball and puttering.
So far my getting back to eating healthy is going great. My ‘frig’ is full of fresh veggies, my cupboards are getting emptier and emptier (I’m struggling to think of things for “pantry night.”) I hit the store just right yesterday and got 2 free range natural fed whole chickens, 3 grass-fed steaks, wild caught salmon, and 1 package of pork ribs for $30 less, so my freezer is at capacity. This is 15 meals for us.
Mister is headed out for a 30 mile ride (he has a tri in October) and I’m hoping to get some stitching done while I wait on him to come back. Later this afternoon I’m shopping for more weapons and tools.
Still no sewing this week, but I hate starting something when I only have a few minutes. There will be plenty of time after shopping and the rest of the weekend.

Desert squid – HAH!