Category Archives: Wild & Goosey

That was easier than I thought

After my post on Thursday, I was determined to get back on track. Yesterday, I ended up finishing the 15 Wild & Goosey blocks I had started.

I swept all my bits and pieces into their respective scrap baskets, packed up my templates, and cleaned off my cutting table.

I pulled my bolt of white expecting to just cut what I needed for step 2 on the Baby Quilt. I did a test on one block, that turned into several, and ended up getting as far as placement on the design “wall.”

I did take a break sometime during all that to head out to Mister’s garage to find my fraternal grandmother’s sewing machine. He had pulled it from the cabinet a few years ago to clean the cabinet up (it now sits in my family room as a side table). It was covered in nicotine from years and years of my grandparents smoking. Anyway, I have been wanting to get the machine cleaned up, and see if I can get it to work. The wiring coating was fragile when I got it, and now is non-existent in some places.  The machine is important to me for what it made – “rubber” pants for me using old Marine Corps parachutes when my father was stationed at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, California.  I  know she sewed other things for me, but that’s the one that stands out the most.  It also means I know the machine is at least 58 years old 😉

Now that I’ve located it, I’ll get him to pull it out (it’s behind his surfboard) and get the serial number and start searching.

I have never cleaned a vintage machine before.  I know I could have it serviced somewhere but I would like to try myself first.  I have also been thinking of getting my maternal great-grandmother’s treadle up and running again.  I guess before I work on either of those, I should pull my little featherweight out, get her oiled and give her a whirl.

Since I put the Wild & Goosey away, and am ahead of  my plan on Baby Quilt, I am going to on Farmers Wife today, when we aren’t running errands. While the game may be on tomorrow – neither of us care who is playing – however, Mister does want some “super bowl party” food, so I’ll probably make some easy wings and sides so I can get a lot of time upstairs tomorrow as well.  The plan for then is to cut my Lozenges pieces.

Have a great weekend!

Linking up to Finished or Not Friday.

Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts

Getting February Quilting Organized

It’s time for me to set up my February quilting goals.  I’m so proud of the progress I made in January.

Baby Quilt – I keep distracting myself from getting this finished.  It’s not hard, I just got myself pulled into the world of paper piecing Wild & Goosey blocks.  LOL  They are my quilting crack.  I almost finished step one on the baby quilt, however, so I need to get that finished and the back ground fabric cut.  This will be my One Monthly Goal for February.

En Provence and Midnight Flight –  both still in time out until I finish Baby Quilt. I am using fabric from these in my Lozenges and Wild & Goosey blocks, so they are still thought about almost every time I sit in front of the machine.

Wild & Goosey – oh man.  Do I love these little critters. So far I have worked on them every day that I have been able to sit and sew. It’s fun to dig through my little snippets, but it is messy!

Farmers Wife – I am behind on my block of the week.  I need to pull these out instead and put Wild & Goosey away.  I am also paper piecing these so maybe that will satisfy my need to “quilt by number.”

Lozenges – still my Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017 project.  February is sea green and defined as “Anything between blue and green will work.  From teal, to aqua to turquoise.” This is going to be fun!  I am also trying to incorporate more neutral and black scraps into this month as well.

So for February:

Baby Quilt – 1) finish step one; 2) cut background for step two
Lozenges – Make a minimum of 20 lozenges with February RSC17 colors (10 black/10 neutral corners)
Farmers Wife – Make a minimum of 4 blocks

One down, eleven to go!

Wow, January 31, already!  Just when I think I have a handle on things, the month is gone.  It’s been a pretty good month, tho not perfect.

This is a long, month long, post.  😀

My January 4 post had me setting my goals and getting ready for my Bonnie Hunter Midnight Flight class.  The goals will be at the end.

My theory on taking a class is that if I can come away with learning one new thing then it is money well spent.  I got more than my money’s worth on that day.

I have not taken very many classes, but this is the second one I have had with her. She is consistent in the way she teaches and she has the patience of a saint.

I was having trouble with my leg that day, so my focus was off a bit, but I did manage to finish a quadrant of the block. Seeing the trouble several people had keeping their geese flying the same direction in a block, I have decided to piece just quadrants, then work on the blocks. While I have made sew and flip units before, I focused on perfecting them this class.

Since I live over an hour away from where the class was held, and the evening lecture/trunk show was being held (4 hours later), I contacted my friend Andee a couple of days ahead and threw myself on her mercy to allow me to hang out with her between the two. I ended up getting to go out to dinner, and to an antique mall, with her and Bonnie. The antique mall was another wonderful learning experience. I love reading Bonnie’s posts about what she finds antiquing in her travels and getting to see that first hand was an experience I am not likely to forget for a very long time. She posted about it here, and I died laughing when I first read the post. She also posted about our class, here, with many more photos, and a quick photo video.

I did come away with 2 little things from the mall. A vintage travel iron (for my new collection) and a small quilt that is embroidered with “Wounded Knee.” I have been trying to research the quilt. When I first picked it up, it was with the idea that it would make a perfect “Harley” quilt. The price was right too. Bonnie thought that it was a “Made in China” quilt, and we talked about why (learning here!) and I decided it was worth the price. We looked at a few other things, then Bonnie wanted to look at the quilt again, and that’s when Andee discovered the embroidery. I’m happy I found it, but Harley didn’t get it. I discovered a small hole in it after I bought it, and knew if Harley had it she’s pick it to death. It’s now on the back of a chair in my living room.  It holds great value for me, not because of when, or by whom, it was made, but the memory of when I purchased it.

We knew the evening before there was a glitch with Bonnie setting up her inventory for sale at the lecture so we improvised and set up in the parking lot of an elementary school next door. It was a lot of fun, where it could have been a moment for complaining.

I volunteered to be a quilt holder during the lecture. I do have some photos of her “live” quilts from her books, and they are all so lovely. I threatened to swipe the Wild & Goosey, from Addicted to Scraps, and Pineapple Crazy, from String Fling. I love foundation paper piecing!

But the quilt above, is one of the favorites that she shared. There is no pattern, and it is the first time I have ever seen it. It demonstrates what you can create if you use her Scrap Users System. I am such a visual person, and seeing this made me so happy.

It was a long, exhausting, fun and memory-filled day.

One week later, I went on my annual girlfriend reunion trip to Vegas.  Drove up by myself, since everyone else was flying for one reason or another.  It was so dreary!  I remember thinking that if I didn’t see snow on the mountains before the weekend was over, I would be so surprised.  We are such party animals.  We rent a 5-bedroom house (same one the past 3 years – and reserved for 2018). We eat at the same restaurant Thursday night (maybe next year somewhere new? as I am not happy with them right now), then swing by a grocery store.  Friday we do our shopping (needlework store, quilt store, this year added in Vera Bradley outlet for some of the ladies) and go out for lunch and dinner.  Saturday we never left the house.  The grocery store run takes care of all of our breakfasts, snacks, and lunch for Saturday.  Some order in for dinner Saturday (I had leftovers from grocery).  There is a lot of stitching, crying, laughing, staying up too late, getting up too early, and I sort of wipe my slate clean and use that weekend as my new year start.

(Sure enough, when we came out of the needlework shop on Friday I looked over and the mountain tops were dusted, and it looked like more was on the way.)

I had a shopping list, and a budget.  I wanted fabric for the Nora Corbett Couriers (that I’ve started collecting).  They didn’t have what I wanted in the count I was looking for, but at least I know what to order.  Shop models on PTP Storm.

I did come away with these 2 Ink Circles designs that I decided to stitch in these variegated silks, instead of the called-for fibers.

I always have a plan for the quilt store.  It is a wonderful shop and I could go crazy in there.  Last year I purchased neutrals with white backgrounds.  Most of them have already been used in Midnight Flight, En Provence, and Wild & Goosey.  This year I wanted black on white and white on black for a future quilt.  The large piece of thimble fabric will also go into a project envelope.

I also fell in love with this portion of the shop’s BOM.  The woman at the cash register said her mother was teaching the class and gave me permission to photograph this portion.  She said the pattern was found as a freebie on Craftsy but I have been unable to find it.  I love that scissor.  It’s paper pieced, and I would love to have a smaller version hanging in my sewing room.

My Canadian friend Kathy drove back to AZ with me on Sunday for her flight back to Canada on Monday (out of Phoenix).  On the drive back she found out her aunt had passed away and her sister has lost her job.  I was informed by Mister that a Pex line in the master bedroom has sprung a leak and the water had been turned off.  Groan.

Super happy we have a pool, since we were hauling water in to flush our toilets. Little House on the Prairie I am not.  🙂  Monday, we called the plumbers and they cut a hole in the bedroom wall, and replaced the line.  Then we called the insurance, and they immediately sent someone out to  cut bigger holes and set up the blowers and dehumidifiers to dry us out.  The following 3-4 days had all types of people in and out accessing, and poor HarleyQuinn has not been happy over the stranger danger.

Since one of us has had to be here for people dropping off construction supplies, checking the blowers, carpet dude, etc., and with Mister in school 2 days a week, I moved all of my appointments to a few weeks out, and only left the house when Mister has been home. The advantages to my rarely leaving the house for the past 2 weeks is I have gotten a ton of sewing and stitching done!

In the stitching department I finished another round of Mirabilia’s Garden Verses, and have been making fairly good progress on Death by Cross Stitch (which is what I worked on in Vegas, if I stitched).

As of January 14, 2017

I got started on my Great-niece’s baby quilt and only need to make 8 more of these huge 4-patches (made from 5″ squares) and then on to the next step. I’m using a left over layer-cake, some charm squares, and pulled some fat quarters.

I also made it to the Rusty Barn Show in Phoenix and added some nice, needful things.

Olfa frosted rulers to replace my Omnigrid. I cannot see anymore when using the Omnigrid because of the yellow. The 24″ will be cut down to 18″ since Olfa does not make that size.

A couple of bags of scraps. Will go into my Wild & Goosey or String blocks. The zippers are for zippy pouches.

More white on black and black on white for future quilt. The colored fabrics will be zippy pouches.

One of the vendors had some Accuquilt dies for 40% off and the tumblers were on my wishlist. The iron caddy model was so tiny, and it will be for the travel iron I bought at a Christmas sale.

I also accomplished my One Monthly Goal of making purple Lozenges for Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017. I made more than 40. So I am linking up to both of them with this post.

And, I worked on Wild & Goosey units. I get distracted by them and consider them my quilter’s crack. LOL I also printed off enough papers to make 270 blocks. I might have gotten a little carried away, but I want to make up some in different colorways for a table runner or two.  I do need to pack them all away, however, and get back to the baby quilt.

If anyone is reading, I apologize for the length, and I thank you for sticking it out.  I am thinking this blogging only once a month may not work out, if each month is going to be this full. I really had no idea it was going to be this long when I started, but it seemed the perfect thing to work on while the contractor is here working on the house.

The above photos that are of me were either made on my phone by someone else, or borrowed with permission from Andee.

What I have been up to

It feels like very little.

I have not had a physical activity day since Labor Day.  🙁

The 3rd I woke up and my knees and back were hurting so I didn’t go to Zumba.

The 5th I didn’t go hiking because I had a walking foot quilting class that morning and I would have had to be out there in the dark.  After seeing that huge sidewinder track, I’m not dumb enough to be out there in the dark.

Here’s my little bit of progress from class

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However, the 5th did find me sweating.  A lot.  I went to an outdoor Blake Shelton/The Band Perry/Neal McCoy concert that night and man oh man!  I swear I sweated out a pound and a half.  I actually had water running down my back.  It was worth it though:

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Saturday it started raining.

Mister and I went out to eat late Saturday afternoon and just as we were leaving to head back home the huge rain drops started.  Before we could get out of the parking lot the wind started rolling in and you could see it coming.  It was rocking my Challenger around and was rather frightening.  It was also snapping tree limbs off.  We had a huge micro-burst hit us and have probably lost my beautiful Mesa Palo Verde tree in the backyard.
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Sunday was cleanup time and lots of sewing and football.

2014-09-07 06.32.43When we headed to bed Sunday night it has just started sprinkling again.  Thunder woke me up about 2:30 Monday morning and the day just got better.  Hurricane Norbert had headed our way, and with all the rain we had Saturday our state was saturated.  I sat and watched our pool fill and the rest of the yard flood and head toward our house.  Fortunately, it never made it all the way but the roads around my area were closed, so no leaving the house.  No Zumba.  Thankfully, it wasn’t a school day for Mister.

Tuesday, I was supposed to have a hair cut but got a message from my salon that they were going to have to reschedule due to water issues so I headed to the grocery store.

Wednesday, yesterday, I completely forgot about Zumba.  I had lost track of what day of the week it was, which I sometimes do.

So, now it’s Thursday and I’m sitting here in front of the computer and I really need to be sitting in front of my sewing machine instead 😉

I have been sewing on my Scrappy BOM Challenge, Wild & Goosey blocks, and Civil War tablerunner

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2014-09-06 20.45.22
2014-09-04 20.44.56


One last thought.

It’s very hard for me to believe it’s been 13 years since that horrific day.  I honestly don’t think about it much anymore, except for days like this.  I know that sounds terrible, but I lived in fear every single day for 10 years while my Mister spent his last 10 years in the Marine Corps.  It’s one of those things I try very hard to forget about being a Marine Corps Wife, but it is still there in the back of my mind and I fight to not let it surface or I become a wreck, and because of that I purposefully stay away from the TV and social media because unlike a lot of other people, I do not want to remember, over and over and over.

Not a very productive needle weekend

Thinking back over the past 4 days, and can’t believe how much I didn’t get done needlework wise.  I think I spent more time out of the house this weekend than in.  I did manage to finish my portion of my friend’s round robin

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and I managed to make my working copy of the SamSarah mystery piece.

The only time spent in front of my sewing machine, though, was stuffed animal repair and reattaching the carrying strap on Mister’s canvas bag he takes to school.  Jasper and Mister are ecstatic.  Mister, of course, said it was a very productive needle weekend.  Terri thinks otherwise, since this means I didn’t get a Wild & Goosey block made 🙁

A whole lot of spending going on

Yesterday Mister and I went shopping.  It’s been a long time since the 2 of us shopped like this.  I had a list and some coupons and was on a mission to replace some things and wanted his opinion.  I love to shop with him.

First stop, not on my list but his, was Sports Chalet.  He wanted me to have an easy to carry water bottle for our hikes since he’s going to start running and leaving me hiking on my own.  He normally humps a Camelback. I also needed a whistle.  Isn’t he thoughtful?

Next was Bed, Bath and Beyond and here’s where I did some major damage.  I had 20% off coupons from before September 2011 😀  I love BB&B!

Asian Fusion Wok and Spider

Asian Fusion Wok and Spider

We eat a lot of stir fried foods and even though I lived in Okinawa for 6 years I’ve never owned a wok.  It’s been on my wish list for a long time, but it seems like other things always bumped it down the list.  I also wanted a spider since they’re great for poaching eggs.

Salad spinner, dressing carafe, storage jar, Spirooli

Salad spinner, dressing carafe, storage jar, Spirooli

I bought the cheapest salad spinner I could find.  I didn’t want a fancy one, and I wanted a small one since I normally wash our greens after I’ve chopped them.  My current dressing carafe leaks so it needed replacing.  The storage jar is the first of several I’ll be buying for my non-gluten baking goods.  And the Spirooli!  I can’t wait to start using it for zucchini noodles, etc.  Huge shout out and “thank you” to Mel for all of our back and forth texting and email conversations about this lovely 😀

Zwilling J.A. Henckels Pro 7" Santoku Knife and Steel

Zwilling J.A. Henckels Pro 7″ Santoku Knife and Steel

I have had Henckels knives for about 5 years. Mister bought me paring and utility knives for Christmas one year, and it was an immediate love affair. I never knew I was that capable with a kitchen knife until I had a quality one to use. Good knives, and a good cutting board (I use bamboo), are miracle makers, and while I’ve always loved to cook, those 3 items ramped up my skills. The next year I bought myself a 5 1/2″ Santoku knife and just about swooned. It was so much better than my slicing knife. I’ve had a steel for a while, but lately my knives have felt like I needed to sharpen them more often. Yesterday, I found out that the steel I have been using wasn’t hard enough for the Henckels. I went in to the store to buy myself a Chef’s knife, but ended up with a 7″ Santoku instead after my 30 minute conversation with the “knife guy.” I had to go find Mister afterward, since he got bored and wandered off. LOL I still have that chef’s knife and a peeling knife on my wish list. I also have the bread knife, but am now considering taking it off the list since, hey!, I don’t eat bread anymore. 😉

I headed over to another store to look at sheets but decided on some at BB&B and trotted back in there to snatch them.

I have 1 more purchase to make.  I want a Lodge 6-qt Enameled Dutch Oven, and a Lodge 8-9″ skillet, then I’ll be set.

Mister’s 35 mile bike ride had him dragging and he wanted lunch at Olive Garden.  Of course, by that time it was 1:30.  What I ordered was okay, and I left food there instead of bringing it home.  Since we ate so late we ended up just having a snack at 8 last night.

I guess I’ve made up my mind about which version of Dear Jane I want to do. I had posted a photo of an Amish version in this blog post, and this morning I ordered this:

Kona Swatch Card

Kona Swatch Card

303 cotton swatches.

Still haven’t sewn this weekend. I did stitch last night during the LSU game. Boy was THAT something to raise my blood pressure.

Today’s a lazy day. A little bit of laundry, and decide how to prepare some salmon for dinner tonight, are my only have-to-dos for the day.   Want to get a Wild & Goosey block stitched up and then get on my Civil War Club tablerunner.

It’s a good weekend

Friday we hiked.  It.  Was.  Rough!  My knees weren’t happy after doing Zumba on Monday and Wednesday, plus it was 87% humidity after raining the previous 2 days.  Next week I’ll be heading out on my own while Mister runs the route.

After our showers we headed over toward ASU for Mister to pick up a study pack for one class and then to the art store for his supplies for this term.  I found a white charcoal pencil for marking dark fabrics and some perma-ink pens for labels.  I love finding quilt supplies at non-quilt stores.

Then we went to find the Farmers Market.  Boy, was THAT a disappointment.  It was a store.  Granted they had items in there that were local (meats, dairy, eggs, vegetables, etc.) but still it wasn’t the actual vendors themselves.  I felt cheated since the website made me feel that’s what I would find.  I didn’t buy anything.

During our Friday lunch out, where I ate too much, I decided I was just too tired to go to the movies.  I was actually afraid I might fall asleep so we came home instead.

I spent some time upstairs.  I printed and cut out several Wild & Goosey patterns and the remaining patterns needed for my guild BOM Challenge.  Then I managed to piece together another Wild & Goosey block.

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Later that evening I finished my version of Lizzie Kate’s Cross-Stitcher in Residence.  I haven’t decided how I’m going to finish it out, yet.

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I have a round robin piece that a friend asked me to add to then I’m probably going to start Sam Sarah’s Mystery Sampler.  I’m in love with the fabrics and fiber colors.

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Saturday we headed out to see Guardians of the Galaxy and do a couple more errands.  Came home to a good mail day.  Two reams of newsprint for paper piecing (I now have 3 paper piecing projects going), Dear Jane Quilt book, and my one and only Market purchase, The Scarlett House’s Hannah’s Brownstone.

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Dinner last night was a treat.  Mister cooked omelets.  Yummy, and no cooking for me.

This morning I decided to do my July Red Scrappy BOM Challenge block.  If you look too close you can see the red smeared a bit on the white.  Bummer, but I’ll live.  There’s a faint red streak on the bottom of my iron plate that needs to be cleaned when it cools off.

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The bulletin board over my laptop is looking very pretty.

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The icing on the cake of my good weekend is dinner at some friends tonight to celebrate a birthday.


Back to my regularly scheduled life

Mister started back to school today.  Yippee!  This means I’ll know what day of the week it is again, and my life will be so much smoother since I’ll have a schedule of my own.

In addition to printing off 8 more patterns for my Wild & Goosey, and the remaining 8 patterns for my Guild Scrappy BOM Challenge, I made a mini-quilt this morning

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That lovely little 16 1/2″ quilt is going to quilting class with me early next month.  I’m going to learn to do quilting designs with my walking foot.  Once it’s quilted I’ll be binding it in white and hanging it on the wall.

I picked out the fabric for my July Red Scrappy BOM

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And I found another scrappy project to put scraps aside for. 6″ pineapple block

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I’m really looking forward to seeing what all I can get accomplished being back on schedule 😀

Wow, the weekend flew by

I can’t believe it’s Monday evening, already, either.  I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.

Friday we headed back out hiking. It was so much easier this time. We got there 1 1/2 hours earlier than the last time and because it was a Friday there were fewer people so we spotted more wildlife. I saw the largest jackrabbit I’ve seen since living here, a chipmunk and this guy.

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Can you see him? Right in the middle of the picture is a very well camouflaged Sonoran Horned Lizard. He was a bit camera-shy because there were some mountain bikers zooming nearby.

This weekend was my “Virtual Quilting Retreat.”  For new followers, we treat one weekend a month the same as if we were driving/flying to a retreat.  You can stay in your pj’s if you want. I tend to not. I cook easy meals, or try to use my crock pot, and tell Mister that I’m unavailable that weekend.  It doesn’t always work out that I can sew Friday – Sunday uninterrupted, but I do tend to get a lot done when I plan it out. Right now there are 8 members and we “meet” on Facebook at the beginning of the weekend to share what we plan to work on, then Sunday evening/Monday we share what we actually got done. Pictures are highly encouraged. I want to figure out how to do link-up on my blog, so I can do that for people who don’t want to join because of Facebook.

My goals for this weekend were 2 Temecula Quilt Co. 4″ BOM blocks finished; August’s Blue and July’s Red Guild Scrappy Block of the Month Challenge; and get Son’s quilt binding finished.

Friday night was sew-in at my LQS and I’ve been taking the Temecula Quilt Co. BOMs with me since they’re all together in one container and easy to tote back and forth. I was there from 6 – 11 p.m. with a stop for dinner. I managed to complete one TQC block, get started on another one, and completely cut out the 4th (I’d previously completed the first one).

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I also bought several 1/8yd cuts of neutrals to use in my Wild & Goosey blocks

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Saturday I took a sewing break to work on a cross-stitch piece and to iron and trim out some of my scraps. These are 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3.5 strips, bricks, and squares. The blue to the side are the strips I’m setting aside for Jamestown Landing.

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Sunday I worked on my Guild Challenge and finished up the blue block

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and then I finished Son’s quilt.

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By that time, my shoulders were very tired, and it was time for HBO’s True Blood to come on so I shut it down.

I had planned on getting started on my July Red Guild Challenge block today but my vertigo problem has cleared up so I went to Zumba this morning, then it was time for lunch, then I passed out for a nap, then I went with Mister to Lowe’s for bolts for his new pull-up bar (and a new gadget for my Featherweight), then made an egg run, then home to feed the puppies, then started our dinner, did the dishes, and here I sit at 7:30 p.m. too pooped to sew! I may pick out the fabric tonight though.

I do have a couple of new recipes to share that are delicious.  Tomorrow 😀

It’s Wild & Goosey around here

I had a lot of sewing time yesterday.  I got started on my guild block not too long after I finished my name tag.  I’m happy with my color choices and will get back to working on it later today.  I actually got 2 of these units finished

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I probably would have finished the whole block except Wild & Goosey was calling my name!  I got all the paper piecing finished on it yesterday and put the sashing in this morning.  I am in love, and it was fun remembering what projects some of the scraps were from.  I did learn one thing, and that is I don’t have very many light fabrics in my stash.  I have a decent stack of non-Civil War FQs and yardage that I will be cutting into when I start the next one.  I haven’t decided how often I’m going to make one, but I need 80 total to make the quilt as shown in Quiltmaker.

1 down.  79 to go!

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It left a wild mess on my cutting table, and I’ll be ironing and cutting into usable pieces everything there before putting it away.

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I’m trying to implement Bonnie Hunter’s Scrap User’s System.  You can just make out one of my scrap bins in the above photo, and I’m digging through it a bit at a time.  I have a similar, more stuffed one for my civil war fabrics but that’s what I use for Farmer’s Wife so I won’t be going through it until  I finish those blocks.

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