My life has been blessedly boring of late!
My first half-day back to work about killed me, but not near as much as my first full-day back. I was so tired that night I almost cried. But the next morning when I got up I was fine, so I knew I was going to eventually get over it. The second full-day back I realized about 2 hours from closing that I was just then getting tired. Next day, no problems at all. Yay for recovery! I still have a couple of sore “spots” but they’re slowly going away.
The only purchase I’ve made the past couple of weeks was a new-to-me book. Scrap-Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett. I was at the shop yesterday looking over the upcoming classes list and meeting a friend for lunch. A new quilt had been put up since I worked on Thursday and it was from this book. There are 18 quilts in it and they’re all from 2 1/2″ strips.
So the numbers from my last Sunday Stash Report remain the same.
Fabric added this week : 0
Fabric out this week : 0
Fabric added this year (April – present): 149 3/4
Fabric out this year (April – present): 51 1/2
I’m waiting on backordered black batting for Son’s Quilt. I added one more row to Niece’s tumbler quilt. I got the hourglass blocks sewn together last Saturday, but discovered, while looking at a photo I took, that one row is wrong so I’ll be unsewing and fixing that. I still haven’t cut the fabric for future-DIL’s quilt, or my own! I do have fabric on hold for the background of my quilt, so next week I’ll be adding fabric to my stash report.
But I’ll also be pulling fabric since I’ve decided to participate in Bonnie Hunter’s upcoming mystery. I went to Lowe’s Friday and pulled her paint chips but I also pulled some in the same colorway but darker in tone since that’s more me. I’m keeping her orange, though. Nothing dreary. I figure this will probably be a perfect quilt for one of the nephews.
I need to get busy! I’m headed back to Cali in a couple of weeks for a needlework retreat and trying to decide whether or not I want to bring my machine, the tumbler quilt, and maybe a JMLW project or 3. Decisions, decisions. I’ll be visiting with Son for 3 days prior to that so everything would be in the trunk of my car during then and I don’t know if I feel safe leaving it there. LOL