Category Archives: Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt

Rethinking my focus after January

For some reason I am unable to upload photos to today’s blog post.

When I posted on December 30, I listed what I wanted to focus on for 2018. Now that we are one month in to 2018, I have noticed that my focus needs to change a bit in order to meet my goals, and work on some of my WIPs from years past.

For stitching, I stated I wanted to work on 12 projects that included 7 current WIPs and 5 new starts (2 large and 3 small).

I started Oscar’s Corsage on January 1 and stitched exclusively on it for 4 days. I ran out of fiber! A trip to Vegas was coming (where I purchased the design and fiber January 2017) so I put it aside to see what I could find during 2018’s trip. Success! While the fiber has a different dye lot number, I doubt I will be able to tell where the new fiber is stitched, once I get back to the project.

Since I knew I was starting a new design on January 12, I switched over to a WIP, Death by Cross Stitch, and stitched on it for 6 days. I am still loving the fiber/fabric combination. I had intended to stitch it strictly from my tablet, but for some reason started out on paper. I am now trying to decide if I want to switch over to my tablet for the chart.

I drove to Vegas on January 11 and was too tired after dinner that evening to stitch. This would be the ONLY day during January that I did not stitch!

Friday, January 12, I went to Stitcher’s Paradise and purchased the fiber I needed for Oscar’s Corsage (and grabbed another – of the same dye lot – for Forest Flower), the overdyeds and DMC I did not have in my stash for Let Freedom Ring, Glendon Place’s Tiramisu (that I cannot find, but have the fiber kit for), Kathy Barrick’s Repeat the Sounding Joy, and a NPI to replace the one I swiped from another project to finish Book of Spells. That evening I started Let Freedom Ring and 20 days later I had to make myself put it away to start my planned February 1 start! I love this design so much!

Yesterday I started Chatelaine’s Desert Mandala after spending 2+ hours futzing around with my table because I could not get the highlight function to work on my ezPDF Reader Pro app. I have had this design in my stash for 3+ years and almost struck it from my 2018 list because I was so aggravated with the app. LOL

This puts me at 10 current WIPs, 1 planned small new start (Adam & Eve), and 1 empty slot on my list of 12. I am thinking of starting Adam & Eve on March 1.

My sewing machine time has had the most mental focus.  I am happy to say that I have sat at it several times and actually sewn!  I started a new tablerunner that I am working on at sew-togethers (right now we are meeting every Tuesday), I sewed the binding on to the 4-Patch Charm quilt (still needs to be turned and stitched down on the other side); and completed a community service quilt flimsy for my guild chapter.

As to my other goals – Even though I am not starting it yet, I have decided to switch Swoon for Bonnie Hunter’s latest mystery On Ringo Lake. The color scheme I was looking at for Swoon will be perfect for ORL.

I have also decided to replace Celtic Solstice with En Provence. This will fit better with my long-term plans of making quilts for all of my mother’s grandchildren. If I remember correctly I have all the pieces done to make the blocks and sashing, I just need to piece them, and I’ll need to piece the neutral border.  Celtic Sostice will be for another grandchild, but I am trying to give them in the order the kids were born 😉 and it is more suitable to a boy.

I decided to not participate in the Scrap Attack. I also am not worrying about making any monthly quilt-related posts. If they happen, they happen.  I am working in my room every day for about 20 minutes before I sew.  I want to sew every day but there are other fun things that are getting in the way, like going to the movies with Mister.  If I do not sew in the morning, I do not sew that day and being “desert dwellers” we tend to do things outside the house in the mornings.

I also visited Quiltique while in Vegas and brought home a few more black/white, white/black FQs, and some brights to go into a future quilt that I have been gathering fabric for a couple of years; 3 quarter-yard pieces of fabric to make qsnap grime guards; a deeply discounted charm pack of Laundry Basket Southern Exposure and a cupcake recipe FPP pack (which I have already started into a tablerunner); and, a cute pattern to make FPP zip bags with scissors, spools, and buttons on them.

Except for the aforementioned zip bag pattern, everything I bought in Vegas was on a list, and it all stayed within my budget. I’m super pleased by that. I went to JoAnn’s the other day and walked out with 2  DMC skeins needed for Let Freedom Ring. I told the cashier that was the cheapest trip I had ever made. I am having no problems so far keeping to my needle-related spending goals, and am confident February will be a success.

Tomorrow I will may be doing my first flosstube. I am joining up with my BFF, who does them frequently.

The sewing machine is back out!

I never unpacked my sewing machine, or the project I was working on, this past April after my winter visitor friends left.  I never realized how important the social aspect of sewing was to me, until this year.  Before my machine was always set up and I’d sporadically sit in front of it.  This past year.  Nope.  Never unpacked it.

When the girls started showing back up we set the date for our first twice-monthly get together at the golf course and while I was sad that I hadn’t sewed since they’d been gone, I was happy that all I had to do was load it all in car.  😀

Remember this?



I ended up not sewing but pulling the papers off, and ironing open, a whole lot of tiny HSTs.  I’m going to love this tablerunner!


I didn’t make the 2nd get together.  My BFF was in town all week for Thanksgiving break (she works out of state) and had invited me over for that day.  It ended up she was sick and I didn’t get to go see her, and I just didn’t feel like leaving the house after that.  I ended up stitching instead.

So now, here we are 2 weeks after Thanksgiving.  Black Friday was not a shopping day for me because……Bonnie Hunter has started releasing Parts for this year’s mystery quilt.  En Provence.  I spent my day at a kickoff party.


Quilt Label from our hostess Andee!

Quilt Label from our hostess Andee!


Here’s a few photos of the fabric I pulled and the ladies with last year’s mystery finishes, Allietare.


My favorite neutral

My favorite neutral




Part 1 and 2 so far


I haven’t finished part one, but I’m making great progress and I’m very happy with how things are turning out so far, although yesterday my seam ripper and I were best friends. I’m stitching the 4-patches between each Triangle in Square and my numbers so far are:

Part 1: 70/221
Part 2: 40/100

I did mention in my last blog post that I needed to decide on my quilting goals, and I want to do something similar as I’m doing for cross stitch, but I think that’s too much so for now I’m going to attempt a finish 2, start 1 and see how we go.

I forgot to mention it in an earlier post that while I was in Louisiana I found out my one and only niece is having a baby girl in April, so I get to make my very first baby quilt.  I’ve decided on the pattern, and pulled what I think is enough focus fabric from this.

2014-12-27 11.00.50 

I have some background but need to measure it, buy more if needed, then start cutting.  This is what I need to be focusing on, plus I have a Bonnie Hunter class in early January (Midnight Flight). I think I would really like to have Baby Quilt, En Provence, Celtic Solstice, and the tablerunner as definite finishes (including quilting/binding) for 2017, and everything else will be icing.

I do have some Year of WIPs Challenge updates (including finishes) but that’ll be a separate post.

So, this happened

I’ve been participating in a “photo a day” event for the past couple of months. I’ve surprised myself in that I’ve posted every single day. Next month looks hard (we’re given a word or phrase to interpret in a photo). But, the whole reason of sharing that is my subject line.  That was yesterday’s subject and I immediately thought it would be a great subject for today’s blog, because this happened!


This year’s Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt clues have started and I attended a kickoff party yesterday.  Many old friends were there from the guild and AZ Blankets and I made some new friends.


I feel really blessed by the amount of quilters I’ve met and the groups I’m part of.

Last year there was a much smaller group for Celtic Solstice. Here are a few of the ladies with theirs.


Mine is still at step 3 🙁

There was a whole lot of talking, cutting, pressing, sewing, and eating.

Our cake


My first block, with a label for each of us made by one of the ladies.


A block from (almost) each of us


and the 15 I managed to finish


I have all 100 each black and yellow pieces cut, and a total of 233 pairs of HSTs cut. I got many of those HSTs sewn together yesterday, as well. I have a light schedule this week and I’m hoping to get the rest done by Friday, when the next clue comes out. I still need to cut 77 pairs of HSTs.

A huge shout out and thank you to Angela of The Modern Diary for organizing us. I tease her that she may be Bonnie Hunter’s number one fan, but I’m hers. She’s so proficient!

I’m still stitching on my SamSarah Laniappe but no updated photo. The Lizzy*Kate mystery is patiently waiting and I’ve added a couple of small new items to my to-do pile.

2014-11-30 10.55.45Looking forward to some football and stitching.  I’ll be linking up to Bonnie’s link party.


Sunday Stash Report

Before I get to the down and dirty, and yeah, it’s sort of bad, this was a great week for me.  Still not up to 100% but I had to really think about it to see how I’m doing.  Almost there.

The only bad part of my week is the flat tire I ended up with Thursday after work.  Mister thinks I got the screw in the parking lot at work since it wasn’t all the way in my tire, nor was it dented up very much.  Of course this created the need to search for a new tire on Friday and the closest one we could find is in Louisiana.  I ended up getting the tire patched and we’re waiting to see what’s happening with a new tire.  This led me to cancel my trip to California in a couple of weeks.  The deadline to get my deposit back – and to mail the balance due – was Friday and I just couldn’t take the chance that the new tire would make it here, or to chance driving there and back on my patch.  I’d already dodged one bullet on my last trip (as a friend so eloquently reminded me) and didn’t feel comfortable taking that chance right now.

On the stitching front, I did work on Elizabeth Sheffield 2-3 times this week.  I’ve been lazy though and haven’t taken a new progress photo.  Need to remedy that before next weekend.

On the quilting front:

*  Son’s Tumbling charms – still waiting on black batting. I need to pick out what quilting design I want to do and see if my friend already has a similar pattern.

*  Tumbler quilt – didn’t touch it this week.

* Civil War Club – tablerunner – didn’t touch it.  That will be remedied after this posts.

*  Celtic Solstice – As mentioned in my last post, I’m participating in Bonnie Hunter’s Celtic Solstice mystery quilt (starts Friday after Thanksgiving).  I pulled my stash out and hauled my choices into work since I had 3 oranges and 3 yellows I thought would work.  I bought 1 blue, and several yellow and orange FQs and am happy with what I have to work with.  I’m excited to see how I’m going to be cutting it up.  Many of the blues I’ve had in my stash forever and what I don’t use in this quilt will be cut up for a future nephew quilt, from one of Bonnie’s books.

2013-10-29 14.10.33

* Future DIL’s quilt – bought an 8-yard bolt of fabric this week for background (and possibly backing).

* Scrappy Irish Chain – for me.  Bought 5 yards of the background fabric.

* Camille Bag – this is one of the classes that I’ve signed up for.  I found the perfect focus fabric but am waiting a bit for the lining and straps.

In addition to the project purchases I also added a couple of cuts of neutrals, one cut of red, and – woooo boy! – 1/2-yard cuts of all of Pam Buda’s American Gothic fabrics (link is to her blog post).

Fabric added this week :   29  1/8
Fabric out this week :  0
Fabric added this year (April – present):  178  7/8
Fabric out this year (April – present):  51  1/2

Move along, nothing to see here

My life has been blessedly boring of late!

My first half-day back to work about killed me, but not near as much as my first full-day back.  I was so tired that night I almost cried.  But the next morning when I got up I was fine, so I knew I was going to eventually get over it.  The second full-day back I realized about 2 hours from closing that I was just then getting tired.  Next day, no problems at all.  Yay for recovery!  I still have a couple of sore “spots” but they’re slowly going away.

The only purchase I’ve made the past couple of weeks was a new-to-me book.  Scrap-Basket Surprises by Kim Brackett.  I was at the shop yesterday looking over the upcoming classes list and meeting a friend for lunch.  A new quilt had been put up since I worked on Thursday and it was from this book.  There are 18 quilts in it and they’re all from 2 1/2″ strips.

So the numbers from my last Sunday Stash Report remain the same.

Fabric added this week :  0
Fabric out this week :  0
Fabric added this year (April – present):  149  3/4
Fabric out this year (April – present):  51  1/2

I’m waiting on backordered black batting for Son’s Quilt.  I added one more row to Niece’s tumbler quilt.  I got the hourglass blocks sewn together last Saturday, but discovered, while looking at a photo I took, that one row is wrong so I’ll be unsewing and fixing that.  I still haven’t cut the fabric for future-DIL’s quilt, or my own!  I do have fabric on hold for the background of my quilt, so next week I’ll be adding fabric to my stash report.

But I’ll also be pulling fabric since I’ve decided to participate in Bonnie Hunter’s upcoming mystery.  I went to Lowe’s Friday and pulled her paint chips but I also pulled some in the same colorway but darker in tone since that’s more me.  I’m keeping her orange, though.  Nothing dreary.  I figure this will probably be a perfect quilt for one of the nephews.

I need to get busy!  I’m headed back to Cali in a couple of weeks for a needlework retreat and trying to decide whether or not I want to bring my machine, the tumbler quilt, and maybe a JMLW project or 3.  Decisions, decisions.  I’ll be visiting with Son for 3 days prior to that so everything would be in the trunk of my car during then and I don’t know if I feel safe leaving it there.  LOL


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