Category Archives: Life

Accountability and finding time to craft

Mirriam-Webster defines accountability as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.

I’ve seen several quilting bloggers keeping track of how much of their fabric stash they’re using this year.  Since I just started actively following some of them I don’t know how they started, but I get the feeling they’re trying to “bust” their stash.  Starting today I am going to keep a running list of how much fabric I’m using this year.  With the exception of what I purchased recently, I’m not going to go back and “measure” all of the fabric I currently have, but I am going to keep a running total on the sidebar of what I buy and use from my stash with the hope that by the end of the year, what I use out of my stash will have the larger number.

The second part of my subject line is regarding a comment made on one of the email quilt groups I belong to.  We got into a discussion about organizing our stash and projects to make us more productive.  One of the members offered the following response (I have her permission to post her comment):

One thing that I have found and am not sure if others have commented on is the time we spend on the computer and shopping. I have found that I spent so much time on the computer looking at other’s completed projects I wasn’t getting down to working on my own. I would dream of making all the wonderful quilts others have done and downloading patterns that I will probably never get to. In the past month or so I have just walked away from the computer and I am finishing of some of my UFO’s. I have friends that spend all their free time out buying more and more stuff and not even beginning to start on a project. It is very easy to be lured in to it. We let ourselves become fabric, books and notion hoarders. We need to step back and be happy with what we have to work on and not let ourselves loose our objective in getting the sewing done. I don’t want to leave my children with a pile of fabric and stuff. I want them to have the quilts I have dreamed of making them and to know that there is hug from me in every one that I completed.

This is what repeats over and over in my head since she first posted that:

…spend all their free time out buying more and more stuff and not even beginning to start on a project…We let ourselves become … hoarders…We need to step back and be happy with what we have to work on…I don’t want to leave my [family/friends] with a pile of fabric and stuff.

I don’t want to be that person anymore.  And it’s not just in my quilting.  I have gotten myself so surrounded by things that I feel like I’m going to suffocate sometimes when I’m in my craft room.  It’s hard to be creative when I’m feeling that way, which is why I’m selling off a whole bunch of stuff.  Stitching, clothes, polish — I’m sorting through it and simplifying so I feel less surrounded by stuff.

Stitching along

Today is supposed to be our first triple-digit temp day and I’m getting in the pool!  I’m trying to get some needful things done so there will be no excuse to keep me out.

Judy of Patchwork Times is hosting a beautiful Quilt Along starting May 4.  I want to do the patriotic version using batik or Moda marbles.  I’m headed to the fabric store on Monday and may or may not be buying fabric for this.

I’m slowly plugging away on Garden Delight.  This week has found me mostly nun stitching around the edges.  I won’t get it finished this week, like first anticipated.  I just haven’t worked on it as much as I thought I would.  I think the actual act of finishing it off is intimidating me so I’ve been avoiding it a bit.  It could also be because the weather here has vastly improved and I’m spending a bit more time outside.

Next on my agenda for today is to get my sewing table reorganized (I’ve just dumped stuff there this week) and get to pinning Petite Mexican Sampler (I have a frame waiting on it) and then get to work on my next JMLW quilt.

Have a great Sunday!

Finally a photo update

I have been busy getting my SALE page set up over the past few days, so kept putting off posting updated photos of my miniature quilt, and stitching.  So here we are!

Jo Morton Little Women “Abbygayle’s Scraps”

DSC01467 DSC01468

I also managed to finish the stitching on Scarlett House‘s A Sampler Grows.   The cushion and fob still need to be sewn up and that will probably happen some time this week.

A Sampler Grows

Since I finished that I immediately started in on Milady’s Needle‘s Garden Delight, and made it this far.

Garden Delight

Every other week, when I’m not sewing, I’ve been stitching on And They Sinned and here’s where I started when I picked it up yesterday.


In the mornings I am supposed to be working in my craft room and sewing.  This is the quilt I was supposed to be making, and some of the fabric I chose.  However, it didn’t happen.  I don’t know what I’ve been doing wrong but I have not been able to get my HSTs to cooperate with the full squares.  It’s due tomorrow, but I’ll be taking in bits and pieces instead for the instructor to help me.  And of course I’ll be receiving instructions for a new quilt which means I’ll have 1 month to make 2 since I’m determined to keep up!


My mother’s Nantucket Rose is finally ready for her.  I stitched this back in 1999 while living in Okinawa, Japan, and she brought it out this past January for framing. I wish she had not gotten glass because it blocks the green suede mat that mimics the trees (and makes it impossible to get a reflection free photo 😉 ).

Nantucket Rose

And last but not least, Black Betty is ready to come home!  I shared a hint in an earlier post, but I finally got my hands on a Featherweight.   She came all the way from Canada, and, according to my sewing machine doctor, was in near perfect health.

Black Betty

She was purchased in an estate sale by a man and I feel like I stole her from him since, including shipping, she was just over $200.  LOL  Whoever the woman was that owned her previously obviously loved her.  The gold decorative paint has been rubbed away in the front plus the orange card you see is actually the original “service” card from when she was made back in 1948.  The only bad thing is because she came from Canada her instruction book is in French 😉  I cannot wait to sew with her.

Oops, one more thing! Recently, Kathy Tracy, of Country Lane Quilts, hosted a fabric giveaway on her blog.  It was sponsored by Andover Fabrics and was for the new Jo Morton Blue Variety.  I won a charm pack!!! 😀  I love this fabric (the blues you see above are from that line) and already have in mind a quilt I want to use the charm packs in.  Thank you again, Kathy, for hosting the giveaway.  Thank you Andover Fabrics for the fabrics.  I do believe the Jo Morton fabrics are my all-time favorites and already have in my possession the new Madison Manor line!

It hasn’t been all fun and games

But before I get to that I want to share some visual “fun.”


Jo Morton's Alexandria

Jo Morton’s Alexandria

Jo Morton's Sweet Emelie

Jo Morton’s Sweet Emelie

In addition to cutting and fondling the above fabrics I’ve been trying to make up for lost time in straightening and reorganizing my craft room. Before I started back in this round I grabbed a new spiral bound notebook and made notes of what I had going on in here. So as I have been sorting, organizing and putting things away, I have been writing them down first. I’m so bad about out of sight, out of mind. I still have quite a few things in the writing down department but I’m determined to get myself organized this year.  I will say I’m beginning to wonder if I’m ever going to be happy with my room since as I put things away I find I want to change where I’ve been keeping some stuff.  🙄


You can see the top of my work table now!  This is where I was before I stopped to take a break this morning. I am going to use that magazine holder for my very few quilting magazines. The wood under the notebook is going to be a new “table top” surface for my two Rubbermaid containers you’ll see in another photo, and the fabric is going to be used to cover 2 new ironing surfaces for me. Under that you can see some brown paper gift bags that I have been using to organize my quilting projects. They hang very nicely on a towel hanger on the back of my door or sit nicely on a shelf.

You can see I still have plastic shoeboxes stacked up by the window. They’ll be moved once I get my bookcase straightened out.

Before (under my work table):

After (look at all that leg room!):

Before (The STACK):
I think this was the most physically demanding part of straightening up and I had to ask Mister to help a bit. It’s been reduced to almost half that size and moved to another room. I’ve started going through it a few minutes a day and organizing into used/not used and hopefully it will start showing up for sale very soon.

The two pieces of wood (which you can see to the left of the magazine holder) are going on top of the Rubbermaid containers and I’ll cover that with muslin. The stitching in the containers are WIPS/kitted items that are waiting their turn (yep, they’re on a list) and since I don’t need to get in them very often I can make them useful. I’m going to put some of those Command sticky hook things on the trashcan so I can reuse plastic grocery shopping bags as liners. This will make me take the trash out more often 😉

Now, to set up my machine and start piecing!

March is National Craft Month

Did you know March is National Craft Month?  I didn’t until today.  I received a newsletter from a beading company I buy supplies from.  This sent me on a search to see if it was just a ploy to get me to buy something, but it’s true!  I found some interesting ideas on how to celebrate.

One of my favorite “crafting” comments was to “finish something you’ve already started.”  This actually cracks me up.  Who among us “crafters” has something that’s not already finished?  😉

It was a nice visit last night over Mexican food and stitching.  I think I stitched a total of 20 minutes.  I just couldn’t get into it.  Might be because I haven’t been there in a while and I needed to catch up with what has been going on, plus there were several new things to see, or maybe because as I was walking out the door at home Mister handed me a box from the postman that contained more fabric and I wanted to open the box and play with it. 🙂  Half yard cuts of Jo Morton’s Sweet Emelie line.  So, now in addition to the Crimson Bouquet I’m working with for Abbygayle’s Scraps, I have Sweet Emelie and Alexandria.  What?  I haven’t mentioned Alexandria?  Oops 😉  I need to get some fabric washed and ironed.  Afterall, I’m hoping to add some blue to my stash when I get to the LQS later this month.

I spent this morning cutting 2 inch squares and then cutting half of them into triangles.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll start sewing them back together.  Unless Mister comes up with something that needs to be done.  He bought me a new mirror for our powder room downstairs.  Now he’s hot to trot to pull the old one down, patch holes, paint and hang this one.  There’s goes my free time on the weekend.  He better not try to cut into my sitting in the sunshine time on Sunday!


So that’s where they went!

I found this on facebook this past week.  It was originally posted by Oh My Crafts on their facebook page, and it defines my battle with the craft room.


Bit by bit the craft room is getting cleared.  Some of the things I’ve lost in there (that I’ve discovered this week):  5 bottles of nail polish, a Father’s Day card, 6 skeins of DMC that I’m now pulling my hair out trying to remember what I pulled them for, my 20% coupon to Bath & Body Works that I dumped my purse out looking for yesterday while I was at the mall, the timer I use to keep myself focused on cleaning my worktable for 15 minutes each day (this one was really helpful!), and the top of my worktable!

Don’t get too excited.

I’m cheating.

Remember what my worktable looked like?

Well I cleared off the cutting table, moved it into my guest room, and started organzing stuff from my worktable either on to it, or in its forever home.  Now my worktable looks like this:

(oops, I seem to be having image problems 🙁 – I’ll try to update this photo later)DSC01405

and my cutting table looks like this (in the guest room):


Everything on the cutting table is nice and neat, and pretty much how it needs to be, except put away.  The two zipper bags in front will have the contents put in a wooden magazine holder and added to this loverly collection:


You can see the new magazine holders in the bottom right side of the above photo.

Now, for the life of me I cannot find the post, but someone MaryK was influenced by my cleaning up my worktable and posted photos of her own space on her blog this week.  I wish you would comment about it here and I wish there were more than the two of us brave enough willing to do this.  Misery loves company 😉

I haven’t disappeared

I promise to be back with a quick (hahahaha) recap of my trip to Vegas, but I seemed to have acquired some sort of V(egas)T(ransmitted)D(isease) while there that has left me with barely the energy needed to get out of bed and downstairs to snuggle my puppies and drink tea.  Bleh.  I am feeling much better today than yesterday and hoping tomorrow finds me back on schedule.  I would like to get something off my worktable so it’s not quite the disaster photo it was last week 😉

I didn’t want to neglect my blog too much though and I have been waiting for today so I can share a blog post from another needleworker that inspired me to try making a bit of jewelry!

Mayté is someone whose stitching blog I’ve followed for quite some time.  She shared on her blog, in July 2012, a gorgeous bracelet she had made using mother of pearl buttons. She was also generous enough to share some instruction* and photos of how she did it.  It was one of those “aha” moments for me where once I saw what she had created, and I saw how she had created it, I knew I could do it myself.  Ever since, I’ve been studying bracelets at the jewelry counters and saying to myself “I can do that” and I’ve been collecting buttons for my own.  My only remaining decision is whether to create the actual bracelet part myself or purchase a redi-made one.

*you will probably have to translate her blog.

Hello there!

Hello to everyone who came here through Grow Your Blog!

This blog post is coming to you from … Las Vegas!  Woohoo!  I’m sitting in a beautiful 3 bedroom condo on the 5th floor of the Wyndham Grand Desert with 6 wonderful women – 5 of whom I met on the internet over the past 13 years.  We had a conversation over dinner last night about how wonderful the internet is and how grateful we were that we were able to find each other.  We all share a love of needlework in several different forms.   That love of needlework is what caused me to start my blog in the first place, many, many years ago.

So, who am I?

I’m a California girl raised in the south.  I was born in California while my father was stationed at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base.  I was raised in Texas and Louisiana, but lived the majority of my adult life in California.

In 1981 I took a leap of faith and married a man who promised to love and cherish me for the rest of our lives.  Two months later he signed his name on the dotted line and in January 1982 he found himself standing on the yellow footsteps of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and me becoming a Marine Corps Wife.  In 1984 God blessed us with a son.

I’ve lived in California, Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Japan.   I “retired” October 2011, and moved to San Tan Valley, Arizona in November.  February 2012 found my Marine finally retired after 30 years of service and is currently taking advantage of the VA program and majoring in Art History at Arizona State University.

While I call myself a “cross-stitcher,” I love various forms of needlework; miniature quilts; cooking; reading; and playing the piano.  Late 2012 found me learning to bead and make chain maille, and finding myself devouring decorating blogs that focus on personal creation and repurposing.

I have two Italian Greyhounds that I consider my children and am a huge supporter of Italian Greyhound Rescue.  I hope to someday parent a retired racing greyhound.

I’m beginning to think being a grandmother might not be such a bad thing.

So, that’s pretty much me in a nutshell!


As a thank you for those participating in the Grow Your Blog hop I’ll be offering a chain maille bracelet in the gift away on February 1.  Just leave a comment with a link to your blog.  Thanks 😀

Me and my bright ideas

I actually had a panic moment today when I realized it was Wednesday already and time to show my worktable. And since I’m putting it out there and showing you the real me, I thought I would show you more than the worktable. I’m also going to show you to the right of it, and underneath, and so as not to make it jealous I’m going to show you my desk.

Maybe there are others who are also brave enough to share what their workspaces look like today?

Deep breath. Going in.

This is to the left side.  You can see that even my cutting table (although folded up) is stacked.  The plastic tub that contains the Christmas Woolens pattern and has the red toile box stacked on top is the container I’m using right now to hold the new starts and Summer Soiree stitching stash mentioned in Part 1 of my crafting plans.   And no, Annette, I still haven’t covered my little ironing board.


This photo shows the right side.  The 3 zipper pouches are my patriotic, Halloween, and “other,” cross stitch designs (I say other because I can’t remember what I sorted into that pouch right now), that are waiting for their own chart holder to be labeled for my shelves.  The stuff in front of it, on the tabletop, just needs to be put away.  There’s also a chain maille bracelet project there 😉


Then there’s underneath.  The black drawer unit is actually most of my organized (gasp) quilting fabrics.  The two blue plastic buckets to the right of that contain completely kitted cross stitch items and WIPs.  In front of them, in the Hobby Lobby bags, is craft supplies for a couple of tree skirts and a basket that contains piddly things I need to find a home for.


Last photo of that side of the room is “THE STACK.”  It deserves all caps.  It takes up a lot of real estate both in my room and in my mental calmness.  THE STACK is made up of 4  boxes of items that I’ve decided I no longer love and need to get rid of (except for the clear sewing machine table).  These will be the items I offer up on my blog before putting them out there in internet land.


Last, but not least, is my desktop.   The basket to the left holds the items I need to enter in my spreadsheet before being in their proper spot.DSC01404

Okay, that was actually quite easy!  It’s hitting the “publish” button that’s going to be the hardest part.  I will say that once I started breaking it down I realized that the majority of it is sorted, it just needs to be put away.

I’m headed to Vegas bright and early tomorrow morning.  I have started pulling things out to take with me but they need to be organized into my suitcase and tote.  I have a manicure appointment and a couple of errands, and a mountain of laundry to do when I get home, so there won’t be much organizing of the craft room over the next several days.  I do hope there are some progress photos next Wednesday though.

Expanding my horizons

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a scared ninny when it comes to doing a lot of data/communication/network run things.  I think it’s mostly because I can’t understand the terminology or I’m so afraid of messing up so horribly (maybe because I have in the past?) that I have to beg for help to get myself straightened out. I’m not a new blogger, nor is this my first blog. I think it’s actually my third. But I’ve never done anything to make it “Who I Am.” That’s about to change, I hope.

Last year was a huge step for me in that I added drop down bars to the top of my blog, and figured out how to make a collage for a personalized header.  This year, I just figured out how to take the comments off those pages.  Confetti falls!  I just felt someone roll their eyes, but it’s a big thing for me.  If you look at my blog you might have noticed that over the last week I’ve made some slight changes.

It’s because I bought a 2013 calendar featuring monthly signs and this is what January’s sign is: “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.

and was inspired by this:

I don’t put myself out there very much. I have a very tiny circle of friends who know the real me. Obviously, by the number of subscribers I have, that circle doesn’t expand much beyond in the blogging world either. I’m hoping to expand that circle by putting myself out there a bit more, both in person and here. I want to live a life worth watching.

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