Expanding my horizons

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a scared ninny when it comes to doing a lot of data/communication/network run things.  I think it’s mostly because I can’t understand the terminology or I’m so afraid of messing up so horribly (maybe because I have in the past?) that I have to beg for help to get myself straightened out. I’m not a new blogger, nor is this my first blog. I think it’s actually my third. But I’ve never done anything to make it “Who I Am.” That’s about to change, I hope.

Last year was a huge step for me in that I added drop down bars to the top of my blog, and figured out how to make a collage for a personalized header.  This year, I just figured out how to take the comments off those pages.  Confetti falls!  I just felt someone roll their eyes, but it’s a big thing for me.  If you look at my blog you might have noticed that over the last week I’ve made some slight changes.

It’s because I bought a 2013 calendar featuring monthly signs and this is what January’s sign is: “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.

and was inspired by this:

I don’t put myself out there very much. I have a very tiny circle of friends who know the real me. Obviously, by the number of subscribers I have, that circle doesn’t expand much beyond in the blogging world either. I’m hoping to expand that circle by putting myself out there a bit more, both in person and here. I want to live a life worth watching.

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9 responses to “Expanding my horizons

  1. Way to go. My goal for this year is to start 2 blogs. One for my stitching and one so that our family can follow my daughter’s drum Corp. wishing is both luck.

    • Hi Cindy!! I would love to follow your blog when you get it started so please let me know when that happens.

  2. Hi Terri!
    I’m so glad you are doing this Grow Your Own Blog thing. I am like you in that I am not very computer savvy but it looks like you are way beyond me. I would like to know how to do that drop down thing at the top of your blog.
    Peggy Lee

    • My webpage is supported by WordPress, Peggy Lee, but I’ll check into the Blogspot stuff. My first blog was Blogger.

  3. Great post – I’ve neglected my blog sadly over the last 1-2 years, so my readership is down to about half a dozen faithful stitchers 😉 Congrats on working out some more of the techno stuff, it always feels good when you achieve a goal such as that 😀 Good luck with the new blogging space 🙂

  4. I somehow keep “losing” your blog, but you’re on my google reader list now, so I’ll try to keep up! 🙂

  5. Yes, I would hope that we can all say we lived a life worth watching. I too am stepping out there. I will be following you too. Best wishes, Sharon

  6. Its good to meet you here at the party. I hope your’re enjoying it as much as I am. I’m loving all of those extra visitors to my part of the world.