I found this on facebook this past week. It was originally posted by Oh My Crafts on their facebook page, and it defines my battle with the craft room.
Bit by bit the craft room is getting cleared. Some of the things I’ve lost in there (that I’ve discovered this week): 5 bottles of nail polish, a Father’s Day card, 6 skeins of DMC that I’m now pulling my hair out trying to remember what I pulled them for, my 20% coupon to Bath & Body Works that I dumped my purse out looking for yesterday while I was at the mall, the timer I use to keep myself focused on cleaning my worktable for 15 minutes each day (this one was really helpful!), and the top of my worktable!
Don’t get too excited.
I’m cheating.
Remember what my worktable looked like?
Well I cleared off the cutting table, moved it into my guest room, and started organzing stuff from my worktable either on to it, or in its forever home. Now my worktable looks like this:
(oops, I seem to be having image problems 🙁 – I’ll try to update this photo later)
and my cutting table looks like this (in the guest room):
Everything on the cutting table is nice and neat, and pretty much how it needs to be, except put away. The two zipper bags in front will have the contents put in a wooden magazine holder and added to this loverly collection:
You can see the new magazine holders in the bottom right side of the above photo.
Now, for the life of me I cannot find the post, but someone MaryK was influenced by my cleaning up my worktable and posted photos of her own space on her blog this week. I wish you would comment about it here and I wish there were more than the two of us brave enough willing to do this. Misery loves company 😉

Love your stitching room!!!!! You’ll get there and the process is fun. I love just looking through my charts sometimes :-).
And if you sit down for 10 seconds to take a break, you’re distracted by the computer, or the dogs, or ANYTHING at all. BTDT. Still working on it, lol.