Category Archives: Stitching

Contest prizes

The last couple of days have brought in the prizes from the contests I mentioned here and here.

I’ll share the fabric from Andover first, because I’m going to be an ungrateful contest winner and whine a little about the other prize 😉

From Andover I received 10 (2 of each line) of their version of charm packs.  They don’t sell charms packs to the public, just give them to designers, and contestants (at least that’s what I’ve been told by a couple of fabric designers).  The charm packs were, from left to right, Renee Nanneman of Need’l Love Black Magic and Linen Closet, Jamie Kalvestran Chickadee, and Jo Morton Blue Variety and Madison Manor.


and 14 FQs from the new Jo Morton Savannah line.


I was doing the new-fabric-boogy in my kitchen after I opened the box and saw the great fabric and let out a “whoop” when I saw Savannah!

Doesn’t it look nice on my Jo Morton shelf!


Before I share the other contest let me say that I NEVER enter a contest just because it’s there.  I only enter contests (or use grocery store coupons 😉 ) for items I know I would use/buy anyway.

In the Quiltmaker Contest I was expecting to receive only one of the books shown in the contest since we were asked to comment on what our favorite of the group was (I chose Diamond Traditions).  Here’s what the site says about the giveaway (they lined out after winners were chosen):

How about a giveaway? I’d love to send these to Quilty Pleasures readers. Please leave a comment here before midnight on Tuesday, June 4 and tell me which one looks most interesting to you. I’ll choose winners mid-week and post them here. Good luck!

I would have been happy with any of them.

Here’s where I start to sound like an ungrateful winner.  Not a single one of the books mentioned in the post were received by me.  All 3 of the books I received have 2012 copyright dates.  Only 1 of the books would I have even contemplated buying.

DSC01555 DSC01556 DSC01557

I wrote an email to the person who contacted me about being a winner and thanked her for the books, and told her I wanted to make sure that I had not been mixed up in another contest because I had received 3 books instead of just 1, and that none of the books I had received were mentioned in the contest.  This was on Wednesday.  I’ll give her until Wednesday to reply, then will decide what to do with the unwanteds.

Am I ungrateful?

I’ve been busy!

Haha.  I disappeared again, didn’t I.  I have a good excuse, or rather several of them.  They all fall under “I’ve been busy.”

I’ve been busy taking Petite Mexican Sampler to the framer.

I’ve been busy taking care of the yard and veggie garden while Mister went to California to surf and visit with Son for 12 days.

I’ve been busy stitching on And They Sinned.

I’ve been busy going to my Jo Morton Little Women Club meeting and buying more fabric for the next quilt.

Jo Morton yellow, blacks, and oranges

Jo Morton yellow, blacks, and oranges

I’ve been busy buying more fabric. Period 😀


Jo Morton various 1/2 yard cuts


New quilt project

 I’ve been busy snuggling puppies.

Harley and Jasper being Harley and Jasper

Harley and Jasper being Harley and Jasper

I’ve been busy ripping things off the wall of my downstairs powder room and installing a new mirror and small cabinet, and ordering new glass rod towel bar and tissue holder.  (I’ll be busy putting the new holders up, then pulling everything down, patching old holes, then painting and putting everything back up as soon as those holders come in 😉 )

I’ve been busy reading the latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book.

I’ve been busy out by the pool since our temps are consistently 105+ everyday.


I was busy learning what a geek I am while volunteering for Phoenix Comicon over the Memorial Day weekend.


Hung out here a lot when not on “duty.” There was tons of interesting things going on here.



I’ve been busy winning a contest on the Quiltmaker blog.

I’ve been busy taking an applique class.


I’ve been busy tearing my craft room apart.


I’ve been busy rearranging furniture.



I’m supposed to be busy putting it back to rights right now, but decided to do this instead.

I’ve been busy pulling more things to add to my sale page, both stitching and quilting books.


I’ve been busy getting a part-time job at my local quilt shop!


Weekly update and next week’s goals

While I didn’t go out and buy anymore fabric since my last post, 2 small quilt kits I ordered from Main Street Cotton Shop, prior to that, did arrive.  Warm Memories and Mountain Trails (in the blue colorway).  They’re added to my journal.

The fabric I mentioned I might or might not buy (in this post) didn’t get bought.  I did look at fabric and decided that what I want to use will still be there when I get some of my ‘to-do’ list taken care of.  I am still following the quilt-along instructions and making sure they get saved for when I’m ready for them. So, yay to me for not buying more.

I also didn’t pin Petite Mexican Sampler.  I’ve decided to take it to a new-to-me framer on Monday and let him work his magic.

So where am I on this week’s goals?

April 29 – May 5

  • Choose and cut fabrics for October JMLW Club (I forgot I needed to create a template for this quilt so I did that instead.  This will roll over to next week).
  • Pull plaids for J’s quilt (Pulled and started cutting – photo below).
  • Begin piecing stars on JMLW Blueberry Muffins (Nope)
  • pick fabric for Sampler Ladies sampler (Nope)
  • stitch on And They Sinned (Nope)

I didn’t even take And They Sinned out of the bag, so I guess if I stitch this week, it will be on that.


The picture is really dark because it’s black fabric in the background.  I wish you could see how bright a couple of the squares look IRL.  I believe that’s from 20 different fabrics (2 squares each) and I still have a whole lot more to cut.  This fabric comes from all over the world.  I participated in an exchange while I was living in Japan and I swapped Japanese fabric for these.

May 6 – 12

  • Choose and cut fabrics for October JMLW Club
  • Continue cutting plaids for J’s quilt
  • Begin piecing stars on JMLW Blueberry Muffins
  • pick fabric for Sampler Ladies sampler
  • stitch on And They Sinned

Accountability and finding time to craft

Mirriam-Webster defines accountability as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.

I’ve seen several quilting bloggers keeping track of how much of their fabric stash they’re using this year.  Since I just started actively following some of them I don’t know how they started, but I get the feeling they’re trying to “bust” their stash.  Starting today I am going to keep a running list of how much fabric I’m using this year.  With the exception of what I purchased recently, I’m not going to go back and “measure” all of the fabric I currently have, but I am going to keep a running total on the sidebar of what I buy and use from my stash with the hope that by the end of the year, what I use out of my stash will have the larger number.

The second part of my subject line is regarding a comment made on one of the email quilt groups I belong to.  We got into a discussion about organizing our stash and projects to make us more productive.  One of the members offered the following response (I have her permission to post her comment):

One thing that I have found and am not sure if others have commented on is the time we spend on the computer and shopping. I have found that I spent so much time on the computer looking at other’s completed projects I wasn’t getting down to working on my own. I would dream of making all the wonderful quilts others have done and downloading patterns that I will probably never get to. In the past month or so I have just walked away from the computer and I am finishing of some of my UFO’s. I have friends that spend all their free time out buying more and more stuff and not even beginning to start on a project. It is very easy to be lured in to it. We let ourselves become fabric, books and notion hoarders. We need to step back and be happy with what we have to work on and not let ourselves loose our objective in getting the sewing done. I don’t want to leave my children with a pile of fabric and stuff. I want them to have the quilts I have dreamed of making them and to know that there is hug from me in every one that I completed.

This is what repeats over and over in my head since she first posted that:

…spend all their free time out buying more and more stuff and not even beginning to start on a project…We let ourselves become … hoarders…We need to step back and be happy with what we have to work on…I don’t want to leave my [family/friends] with a pile of fabric and stuff.

I don’t want to be that person anymore.  And it’s not just in my quilting.  I have gotten myself so surrounded by things that I feel like I’m going to suffocate sometimes when I’m in my craft room.  It’s hard to be creative when I’m feeling that way, which is why I’m selling off a whole bunch of stuff.  Stitching, clothes, polish — I’m sorting through it and simplifying so I feel less surrounded by stuff.

Stitching along

Today is supposed to be our first triple-digit temp day and I’m getting in the pool!  I’m trying to get some needful things done so there will be no excuse to keep me out.

Judy of Patchwork Times is hosting a beautiful Quilt Along starting May 4.  I want to do the patriotic version using batik or Moda marbles.  I’m headed to the fabric store on Monday and may or may not be buying fabric for this.

I’m slowly plugging away on Garden Delight.  This week has found me mostly nun stitching around the edges.  I won’t get it finished this week, like first anticipated.  I just haven’t worked on it as much as I thought I would.  I think the actual act of finishing it off is intimidating me so I’ve been avoiding it a bit.  It could also be because the weather here has vastly improved and I’m spending a bit more time outside.

Next on my agenda for today is to get my sewing table reorganized (I’ve just dumped stuff there this week) and get to pinning Petite Mexican Sampler (I have a frame waiting on it) and then get to work on my next JMLW quilt.

Have a great Sunday!

Another stitching update

I’ve updated my SALE page once again.  I’m trying to add things to it daily, and of course take those things off that are sold.  I’m also now able to ship USPS First Class without having to go to the P.O. first.  Thank you everyone for helping me make room for more 😉

I didn’t get a much stitching time this past week as I would have liked.  I had several things take me out of the house, which means 2 hours lost each day in driving time alone.  Here are comparison shots of And They Sinned after this week:









Rather disappointing progress.  I was hoping to get all of the alphabet done. 🙁

The weather is heating up nicely here and I’m hoping this week will find me back in the pool, which means less stitching and sewing time, but I love our pool!

I’m waiting to hear from a couple of stores on some frames I ordered for a couple of last year’s finishes.  Wednesday I’m taking a field trip with Annette to check out another place in Phoenix (as well as look at some quilt stores).

Finally a photo update

I have been busy getting my SALE page set up over the past few days, so kept putting off posting updated photos of my miniature quilt, and stitching.  So here we are!

Jo Morton Little Women “Abbygayle’s Scraps”

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I also managed to finish the stitching on Scarlett House‘s A Sampler Grows.   The cushion and fob still need to be sewn up and that will probably happen some time this week.

A Sampler Grows

Since I finished that I immediately started in on Milady’s Needle‘s Garden Delight, and made it this far.

Garden Delight

Every other week, when I’m not sewing, I’ve been stitching on And They Sinned and here’s where I started when I picked it up yesterday.


In the mornings I am supposed to be working in my craft room and sewing.  This is the quilt I was supposed to be making, and some of the fabric I chose.  However, it didn’t happen.  I don’t know what I’ve been doing wrong but I have not been able to get my HSTs to cooperate with the full squares.  It’s due tomorrow, but I’ll be taking in bits and pieces instead for the instructor to help me.  And of course I’ll be receiving instructions for a new quilt which means I’ll have 1 month to make 2 since I’m determined to keep up!


My mother’s Nantucket Rose is finally ready for her.  I stitched this back in 1999 while living in Okinawa, Japan, and she brought it out this past January for framing. I wish she had not gotten glass because it blocks the green suede mat that mimics the trees (and makes it impossible to get a reflection free photo 😉 ).

Nantucket Rose

And last but not least, Black Betty is ready to come home!  I shared a hint in an earlier post, but I finally got my hands on a Featherweight.   She came all the way from Canada, and, according to my sewing machine doctor, was in near perfect health.

Black Betty

She was purchased in an estate sale by a man and I feel like I stole her from him since, including shipping, she was just over $200.  LOL  Whoever the woman was that owned her previously obviously loved her.  The gold decorative paint has been rubbed away in the front plus the orange card you see is actually the original “service” card from when she was made back in 1948.  The only bad thing is because she came from Canada her instruction book is in French 😉  I cannot wait to sew with her.

Oops, one more thing! Recently, Kathy Tracy, of Country Lane Quilts, hosted a fabric giveaway on her blog.  It was sponsored by Andover Fabrics and was for the new Jo Morton Blue Variety.  I won a charm pack!!! 😀  I love this fabric (the blues you see above are from that line) and already have in mind a quilt I want to use the charm packs in.  Thank you again, Kathy, for hosting the giveaway.  Thank you Andover Fabrics for the fabrics.  I do believe the Jo Morton fabrics are my all-time favorites and already have in my possession the new Madison Manor line!

Follow me

With the upcoming demise of Google Reader (weep!) I’ve decided to check out Bloglovin’.

Clickable link over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I know I’ve been absent, but it’s only because I’ve been busy.  Nothing exciting to share, unless you want to hear about my rearranging my craftroom (yes, again), trips to purchase landscaping and patio container plants, or detailed spring cleaning. 😉

A regular post will come shortly that will include my finished miniature quilt and updates on A Sampler Grows and And They Sinned.

Today, though, it’s stitching on And They Sinned, watching NASCAR, potting a few indoor and outdoor plants, and bleaching my kitchen towels.  Exciting stuff!

Oh wait!  There is something exciting happening today!  Mad Men!  Woohoo!

What I did on my spring break

and thank goodness it’s over 😉  I hate it when my routine gets messed with.  I can’t believe it’s been a week since I sat here writing my last post.  The past week has flown by.

Mister was home on spring break.  We were supposed to get the powder room redone, but it never happened.  The weather here has been glorious.  So much so that our pool has been in the 70s and he’s been in it when he hasn’t been working in the yard getting rid of almost everything.  The winter freeze this year really did a number on our beautiful yard.  We had to completely replace several plants and this past week has seen them in the ground and a couple of them even starting to bloom.  He also started getting his vegetable and herb garden going and has plans for expansion.  I need to get my camera outside and show you my beautiful snap dragons!  I can’t believe they bloomed all winter and are popping out all over again.

I, on the other hand, do not like to get dirt under my nails so I spent my time during his spring break piecing, layering, and quilting my little Abbygayle’s Scraps.  She still needs her binding whip stitched to the back but here she is in all her very bright glory.  Please don’t look too close, or judge too harshly, and remember I’m new at this.  Thank you.

DSC01462She finished out right under 18 inches square.  I learned so much while creating her and accomplished a lot of firsts.  This is the first time I’ve chosen the fabric completely on my own.  The first time I made a quilt in a non-classroom setting.  The first time I did it completely on my own with no one to ask questions of.  It was daunting to actually cut that first piece of fabric but I just followed the directions one sentence at a time and took it from there.  I did lose some of my points when putting the strips together, but I didn’t mind.  What I did get disappointed in was how much that affected the quilting part, but like I said, it was a learning experience and I know that the more I do it the better I’ll get at it.  I’m hoping to spend today and tomorrow finishing the binding since my next class is Wednesday and I want to be ready for the next project.

I do have 3 other small quilts cut and ready to piece 😀  It’s addicting, I tell ya!

Since the weather has warmed up (and we actually have used our AC!), I only spent the mornings upstairs.  As soon as it was too warm to go without AC I headed downstairs to work on A Sampler Grows.  This is how far I got this week


I managed to finish the stitching for the fob and got quite a bit done on the cushion.  The green floral you see is what the backing will be for the cushion.  I do have one “complaint” and that’s the little square flower.  The background is stitched in over 1 (as is the flower) and you can see it completely makes the yellow flower disappear.  I need to decide what to do about that.  I thought about picking it out but even under a strong magnifier it was daunting so I’m going to leave it and maybe stitch over the yellow in red.  There are 2 other flowers that need backgrounds filled in and I’m going to have to decide what to do about them.  It’ll have to wait though since it’s time to switch back over to And They Sinned today!

Yesterday was Sampler Sunday at Attic.  I love going to this since there are usually a couple of designers there sharing what they’re working on for their next release.  I’m so excited about Tanya’s new project because it has a skinny (greyhound) dog in it!  Woohoo!  If you subscribe to Attic Needlework’s newsletter I believe there will be a preview of it in the next issue.  And Gloria brought in the models for her Market releases.  I had picked up 3 design packets on Market day at Attic but she brought in another design that has the sweetest hornbook design, plus one that uses limited edition embossed boxes (which I grabbed 2 of).  It was discussed yesterday (and I checked this morning) that if the boxes run out of stock (since they’re no longer being manufactured) you can use Altoids tins.  You’ll just have to omit the border in the design.  If you go to page 13 of the current Attic newsletter you can see all of her designs.


Oh look!  You can see the back of my little quilt in this one 😉  The other design (in the bottom) is Cherished Stitches limited release Rites of Springs.  Every single thing you see on that pillow is included in the little kit.  It is unbelievably priced and you only have to add the stuffing.    I was drooling over the finishing fabric last night.  I see this moving up on my to-do list.  There is an upclose photo of it on page 5 of the aforementioned newsletter.

The other news, which was released this past week, is that Attic will be moving into a larger location next month.  I already know where they’re moving and what it currently looks like inside, and I can’t wait to see what they come up with.

Mister goes back to class today.  I’m very much looking forward to getting back into my routine so I’ll end it here wishing you all to have a great week.

Stitchin’ ‘n’ Switchin’

How’s that for a title!

I’m still sewing away on Abbygayle’s Scraps.  I got totally aggravated last week and put it away for several days.  I couldn’t get my squares to the right size (too small) and I couldn’t figure out why my seam allowance kept getting off.  I figured it out (index cards carry a magic formula) and have been a happy quilter yesterday and today.  Here’s a tiny peek at some beautiful (to me) scraps.

DSC01450There will be 36 of these lovelies.  You can see a couple more stacks of 6 under my sewing table in the upper right corner.

As to the “switchin'” portion, I’ve finally put And They Sinned aside.  Here’s where I’m leaving it:


I’m going to attempt to switch every Monday between And They Sinned and a Summer Soiree project.  I really want to get some of the beautiful pieces from this past summer’s Soiree finished before the new one gets here!  🙂

This is The Scarlett House’s A Sampler Grows.  It’s a sweet pincushion and fob.

DSC01449I received notification that my new toy has shipped!


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