While I didn’t go out and buy anymore fabric since my last post, 2 small quilt kits I ordered from Main Street Cotton Shop, prior to that, did arrive. Warm Memories and Mountain Trails (in the blue colorway). They’re added to my journal.
The fabric I mentioned I might or might not buy (in this post) didn’t get bought. I did look at fabric and decided that what I want to use will still be there when I get some of my ‘to-do’ list taken care of. I am still following the quilt-along instructions and making sure they get saved for when I’m ready for them. So, yay to me for not buying more.
I also didn’t pin Petite Mexican Sampler. I’ve decided to take it to a new-to-me framer on Monday and let him work his magic.
So where am I on this week’s goals?
April 29 – May 5
- Choose and cut fabrics for October JMLW Club (I forgot I needed to create a template for this quilt so I did that instead. This will roll over to next week).
- Pull plaids for J’s quilt (Pulled and started cutting – photo below).
- Begin piecing stars on JMLW Blueberry Muffins (Nope)
- pick fabric for Sampler Ladies sampler (Nope)
- stitch on And They Sinned (Nope)
I didn’t even take And They Sinned out of the bag, so I guess if I stitch this week, it will be on that.
The picture is really dark because it’s black fabric in the background. I wish you could see how bright a couple of the squares look IRL. I believe that’s from 20 different fabrics (2 squares each) and I still have a whole lot more to cut. This fabric comes from all over the world. I participated in an exchange while I was living in Japan and I swapped Japanese fabric for these.
May 6 – 12
- Choose and cut fabrics for October JMLW Club
- Continue cutting plaids for J’s quilt
- Begin piecing stars on JMLW Blueberry Muffins
- pick fabric for Sampler Ladies sampler
- stitch on And They Sinned

Good goals!!!!! Love all your quilting pics lately :-). I just can’t figure out how to manage two hobbie, LOL.