After my post on Thursday, I was determined to get back on track. Yesterday, I ended up finishing the 15 Wild & Goosey blocks I had started.
I swept all my bits and pieces into their respective scrap baskets, packed up my templates, and cleaned off my cutting table.
I pulled my bolt of white expecting to just cut what I needed for step 2 on the Baby Quilt. I did a test on one block, that turned into several, and ended up getting as far as placement on the design “wall.”
I did take a break sometime during all that to head out to Mister’s garage to find my fraternal grandmother’s sewing machine. He had pulled it from the cabinet a few years ago to clean the cabinet up (it now sits in my family room as a side table). It was covered in nicotine from years and years of my grandparents smoking. Anyway, I have been wanting to get the machine cleaned up, and see if I can get it to work. The wiring coating was fragile when I got it, and now is non-existent in some places. The machine is important to me for what it made – “rubber” pants for me using old Marine Corps parachutes when my father was stationed at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, California. I know she sewed other things for me, but that’s the one that stands out the most. It also means I know the machine is at least 58 years old 😉
Now that I’ve located it, I’ll get him to pull it out (it’s behind his surfboard) and get the serial number and start searching.
I have never cleaned a vintage machine before. I know I could have it serviced somewhere but I would like to try myself first. I have also been thinking of getting my maternal great-grandmother’s treadle up and running again. I guess before I work on either of those, I should pull my little featherweight out, get her oiled and give her a whirl.
Since I put the Wild & Goosey away, and am ahead of my plan on Baby Quilt, I am going to on Farmers Wife today, when we aren’t running errands. While the game may be on tomorrow – neither of us care who is playing – however, Mister does want some “super bowl party” food, so I’ll probably make some easy wings and sides so I can get a lot of time upstairs tomorrow as well. The plan for then is to cut my Lozenges pieces.
Have a great weekend!
Linking up to Finished or Not Friday.