Category Archives: Sam Sarah



I swear, for someone who’s “retired” my calendar sure is full these days.  I’m not complaining, but feeling very lucky and in some cases very appreciated 😉  There are stitch-togethers one night a week at my LNS; twice a month sew-togethers with a local group; guild meetings twice a month; a sew-in at my LQS; manicure and pedicure appointments, dental appointment, COMICON meetings – the event is next weekend!; and Christmas and our trip to California is just around the corner. Plus there are 2 other sew-togethers each month that I haven’t been able to attend yet, because of my busy schedule. Oh, and let’s not forget the mystery quilt!

While all of this is bringing me joy (okay, except for that dental appointment – which actually contained good news on the surgery front) it is sapping my mental capacity and I’m forgetting to blog again.  I haven’t felt like there has been that much to share.

So, I’m pulling out my phone to see what pictures I’ve taken this past week.

Our oranges are starting to turn.  Yum! Winter harvest.

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I bought a new cooking tool. I’ve wanted one for quite a while and it ended up on sale at my local grocery store, on 10% Senior Discount Day!  Yay!  Haven’t used it yet, but I see a pot of stew brewing in my future.

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I finished another stitching project

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which meant I got to start a new one

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As to the mystery quilt, I managed to get 28/100 of the first part made.  I’m cool with that.  Last year I got behind and gave up.  This year I’m following Bonnie’s instruction to stop where I am and start on the next part when it come out.  After I hit “publish” I’ll be working on part 2.

Before I forget, again, I know I haven’t shown any weight stuff on here lately.  With the busy-ness I have had I have been hopping on the scale Tuesday morning, writing it down, and hitting the road running, so to speak.  I actually haven’t been running.  Or even walking.  I’m just now back to my knee not hurting after my graceful tumble down the mountain a month ago.  I’ve been throwing a month-long pity party and eating sugar.  I’ve paid for it the next day waking up with a headache, and my weight has bounced up and down.  I’ve reminded myself that this is a lifelong way, forgiven myself, and this past week, it was back down to what it was the week I fell. I’ve got my alarm set to get out and start walking again tomorrow.

Unless I get a chance to share my Part 2 Grand Illusion progress, I probably won’t blog again until after next Sunday.


So, this happened

I’ve been participating in a “photo a day” event for the past couple of months. I’ve surprised myself in that I’ve posted every single day. Next month looks hard (we’re given a word or phrase to interpret in a photo). But, the whole reason of sharing that is my subject line.  That was yesterday’s subject and I immediately thought it would be a great subject for today’s blog, because this happened!


This year’s Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt clues have started and I attended a kickoff party yesterday.  Many old friends were there from the guild and AZ Blankets and I made some new friends.


I feel really blessed by the amount of quilters I’ve met and the groups I’m part of.

Last year there was a much smaller group for Celtic Solstice. Here are a few of the ladies with theirs.


Mine is still at step 3 🙁

There was a whole lot of talking, cutting, pressing, sewing, and eating.

Our cake


My first block, with a label for each of us made by one of the ladies.


A block from (almost) each of us


and the 15 I managed to finish


I have all 100 each black and yellow pieces cut, and a total of 233 pairs of HSTs cut. I got many of those HSTs sewn together yesterday, as well. I have a light schedule this week and I’m hoping to get the rest done by Friday, when the next clue comes out. I still need to cut 77 pairs of HSTs.

A huge shout out and thank you to Angela of The Modern Diary for organizing us. I tease her that she may be Bonnie Hunter’s number one fan, but I’m hers. She’s so proficient!

I’m still stitching on my SamSarah Laniappe but no updated photo. The Lizzy*Kate mystery is patiently waiting and I’ve added a couple of small new items to my to-do pile.

2014-11-30 10.55.45Looking forward to some football and stitching.  I’ll be linking up to Bonnie’s link party.


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