Category Archives: Puppies

Titillating tidbits

No stitching news. Something else has been sucking up my time.

Been working on my own webpage. Bought my domain, bought the hosting service, am pulling my hair out trying to get the photo service to work the way I want it to. Will move my blog over once my hair grows back.

I’m up to something secret.

Puppies have annual shot appointment today, so leaving work early. I’ve been able to gauge how cold it is by how fast they get out of bed in the mornings. The last two mornings have seen only noses. Harley will drag herself out for some oatmeal or cream of wheat, then it’s back to bed.

Since there’s interest in Hannah Beeby, I’m going to organize a stitch-along. This will be a stitch at your own pace stitch-along and the prize for the person who finishes theirs is a beautiful happy dance. Start date will be in March. I’m trying to decide if it should be for a full week (Mon – Sun) or just a weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun). Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?
I’m up to something secret.

Am almost afraid to write this, but since I’ve been following doctor’s orders (duh!) and taking my drugs and wearing my inserts (including in my houseslippers) my heel is almost not bothering me at all. Of course little farting noises are emitting from my favorite pair of work shoes.

Tri-club meeting tomorrow night which means no stitching, and no hair pulling out computer stuff, and working later than normal since Kahuna will be picking me up, which means riding the train.

And did I mention I’m up to something secret? šŸ™‚

December goals

Itā€™s been forever since I set down any goals in my blog. Iā€™ll have to check what my goals were for stitching on my old blog before this month is out to see how dismally I failed at them. šŸ˜‰

But, itā€™s December and Iā€™m making monthly goals.

Fitness goal 1: Iā€™m in a swim challenge right now. My goal is to swim 3,550 meters.

This is a small amount compared to some of my team members, but itā€™s what is scheduled for my training this month.

Fitness goal 2:Ā  stick with my training.

This is my first day, of my first month of triathlon training and itā€™s a bit daunting to look forward and see all thatā€™s expected of me.

Stitching: Continue working on French Alphabet Sampler as often as possible.

Itā€™s rather hard to stitch these days because of puppies! Bandit is so used to sitting next to me while I stitch, and Harley wants to be included. Twice last night I ended up setting my stitching aside because Harley would jump up in my lap and slooooowly slide off until she was sitting on Banditā€™s head. He would get grumbly, so Iā€™d put my stitching away so there would be more room in the chair. Then if I had to get up, like to check the laundry, Iā€™d come back to find my fibers birdnested and an innocent looking Harley giving me a ā€œwhat???ā€ look. Stinker. Bandit used to do the same thing and I guess I need to be retrained to put my stuff very far away when Iā€™m not using it. I’m trying not to discourage Harley from wanting to sit with us. She’s a bit of a growly girl and can be possessive, so the fact that she’s jumping into my lap while Bandit’s sitting there and not getting growly is a positive step for her. Patience.

We had a super busy weekend and it was nice. Kahuna hasnā€™t been able to surf because we had a major rainstorm on Friday. Saturday morning we hit the fitness center and then went to see a house. Gang members had broken in and tagged the inside. I feel really badly for the owners, but itā€™s obvious itā€™s been empty for awhile. The great thing about looking at it was that it allowed us to adjust what weā€™re willing to spend and the square footage weā€™re looking at. Afterwards we went to grab some lunch to go and headed home to watch the LSU game and Ironman. Sunday I left the house around 8:30. I made a quick stop back to drop off groceries, eat some sushi and Kahuna and I headed back out and didnā€™t get back home until 4. Productive day, though.

And now itā€™s Monday and Iā€™m back in the office doing things I donā€™t want to do. My feet and hands are cold and even though I keep bumping up the heater itā€™s not helping. Itā€™s causing me to drink more hot tea than I should in an attempt to keep warm. I wonder how well heated up Propel tastes?

Puppies! (picture intensive)

It sure doesn’t seem like we’ve had her very long, but my little Harley Quinn has gone from being a chubarita at 3 months old1-05-07harley.jpg to a pretty little runway model at 1 year old.dsc00353.JPGdsc00332.JPG

She and Bandit are usually in the bed or on their perch. They’re always together and go from fighting to snuggling in 2 seconds flat.Ā  Since getting the two of them, we’ve given up on making up our bed all the way (and some days at all) or being able to sit by ourselves.Ā  But that’s okay, we got them to spoil. She is Kahuna’s Honey Bunny and he is my Sweetie Baby. They both bring much joy and laughter and sometimes a bit of aggravation, but they are completely worth it.


Back on track and determined to keep at it. My heel did bother me just a little this morning, but once I was warmed up I forgot about it. I didn’t really know how far I’d walked until I got home and mapped it out. I managed to walk through my calf pain the first time, and it didn’t return until the end. My goal was to walk for 30 minutes this morning, but I was thinking my route would be smaller. So, I walked 1.5 miles in less than 30 minutes. 18.6-minute mile. Cool! That still puts me under an hour for a 5K, just barely.

Dr. has decided I need surgery on my elbow. He’s convinced that sometime in my life I had to have hit my elbow and scar tissue is now interfering with my ulnar nerve. He also sees carpal tunal in my future. Getting old sucks! I told him to do whatever it takes to get me healthy. I’m on a roll and don’t want to let anything stop me. He has referred me to a surgeon that specializes in elbows down to fingertips. I’m now waiting to see if military insurance will cover it.

Sweet pea Harley wasn’t feeling well yesterday so I ended up shampooing my dining room and bedroom last night. I’ll take exercise in any form I can get it! She seems to be feeling better this morning, wanting to snuggle and it would have been soooo easy to be late for the train.


Bandit onĀ guardToday we’re celebrating my sweet Bandit’s 4th birthday!Ā  He’s being spoiled more than usual šŸ˜‰

I’m also celebrating weigh in this morning, although I don’t feel like I should be. I ate horribly this past week, or at least I feel I did, but I had a 2.4# loss, that I’ll happily take.

And, last but certainly not least, I’m celebrating that I signed up for my first 5K. It’s in November, and the first thing that went through my head after I hit send was “what in the world am I thinking!!!” Tomorrow I’m starting the Couch-to-5K program on the Cool Running site.

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