Author Archives: Terri

Don't make eye contact!

It’s so nice to have a do-nothing sort of weekend. By that I mean one that doesn’t have any set plans and we can just go with the flow.

Kahuna had a root canal a week or so ago and he’s been dealing with the pain of it. He’s still taking Vicodan in the evenings so he can sleep. This is so not like him that it tells me how much it’s bothering him. He missed surfing weekend before last because of his tooth. This past weekend though he did get out there and got his mojo going. He’s such a happy camper when he surfs. I cannot imagine how hard it’s going to be for him to not live so close to the ocean when he retires. He has already made plans to come back and surf every now and then though since we’ll only be a 6 or so hour drive away.

Since we didn’t have anywhere special we had to be this weekend I never left the house on Saturday. I didn’t even put on makeup or dry my hair! I did catch up on some laundry and reading.

Sunday, after surfing, we headed out to do some errands and make a furniture store stop. We’ve been loosely monitoring room sizes in the houses we’ve been looking at online trying to decide what size furniture will work. Right now all we really need to purchase after we move is new bedroom furniture for us. We’re going king size (the puppies take up so much room!) and want to make sure the house we choose has an appropriately sized bedroom. So, we headed out to look at furniture. What a shock! It’s all so large. It was fun daydreaming about what the two of us want though. I think I could wander in furniture stores, and house shop, for a living! I don’t know why but I enjoy it so much.

Since we hit the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch we decided to have fruit for supper since lunch was so filling and it was too warm to cook at the house. This left me with lots of stitching time and I happily caught up on my DVR while stitching on Home of a Needleworker, Too, – until I discovered I was one stitch off and had to rip out almost half of what I got stitched. Drats!

The peeps at work gave me a gift certificate to Needlepoints, Ltd., for my birthday so I’m looking forward to my next trip to spend it on the new canvas I purchased. Between that and the filled in ‘frequent shopper’ card I have I am hoping to make a huge dent in the fibers I want for it. Other than that, my new stitching acquisition mantra is “Don’t make eye contact.”  I’m still trying to come up with a plan since I need to get a stand too.

The post previous to this one I mentioned needing to thin out my stash and now it’s pretty much a real have-to since there’s a chance our office may be closed before we move to Arizona.  I really don’t want to take with me stuff I don’t love anymore, including stitchy type stuff.

We’re in trial this week on a manslaughter case so it’s nice and quiet around the office. Thank goodness since gearing up for it is crazy! I’m already almost caught up for the day. If the office stays open I think the rest of the year is going to be pretty much spent in this hurry up and go mindset since we have so many trials that have been continued from late last year and earlier this year. If the office does close I could go with Atty F to her new job, but I’m thinking I might not want to do that since it would entail my commuting again. I’m really going to need my stitching to ratchet down the stress between now and Christmas or now and when the office closes or now and when I move

Since I last wrote…

Oh my stars! I can’t believe it’s been 3+ months since I last blogged. I have meant, so many times, to sit and write about what’s been going on in my life, not because it’s earthshattering news, but because I wanted to remember it! 🙂

But so much has happened and I have a horrible memory!  What I can remember since I last blogged:

I’ve had the Shingles.  Boy was that fun.  NOT! 

We had our road trip to Mesa, AZ!  We were headed there on May 21st, but, thankyouverymuch Marine Corps, Kahuna could not get off work.  Then were headed there on June 18th but one of Kahuna’s friends died in a surfing accident and the memorial service was scheduled for June 20th (which was also Father’s Day and our 29th anniversary).   We ended up going June 25th and it was a very lovely trip.  I loved Mesa!  We’re planning on returning in the fall for some more searching.  We mostly looked from Mesa to the south and if it had been 9 months in the future we would have made at least 2 offers!  Next trip we’ll be looking to the north of Mesa.

Came back from vacation for 1 day and had to take the rest of the week off because I got sick!

I entered 2 stitching pieces in our county fair and got blue ribbons on them both!  Woohoo me!  It has been a huge boon to my stitching mojo and I find myself getting frustrated when something keeps me from stitching.  Yay!

Kahuna and I have started working out to the P90X program. It is kicking my @.S.S.! I actually have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate to lose the time it takes to do the program, but love that it’s actually kind of fun. It’s definitely challenging! I hate that I hurt so badly in almost every joint/muscle I own because it shows me how out of shape I am (I used to do step aerobics 6 days a week!) but I also love that I hurt because it’s reminding me that I am doing something about being so out of shape and I’m trying to keep reminding myself that next time it will be easier and hurt less if I don’t stop. I plan on taking my photo once a week to see the progress. I STILL haven’t heard from the hospital about the surgery and I’m upset with myself for waiting almost 6 months and not doing anything except the bare minimum they required. If nothing else comes of the surgery prep at least I know I am healthy since they put me through so many medical tests to get approval for the surgery.

I have attended a couple of stitching days with the group at Needlepoints, Ltd. I love getting together with those women. I can’t exactly brag that I get lots of stitching done but believe me when I leave there my soul has been regenerated. The bad thing is I’ve sort of picked up a new hobby…I’m being sucked into the needlepoint dark side.

I currently own 4 projects. Number 1 is quite old from a class I was unable to attend about a hundred years ago for a weight. I really need to get that sucker stitched up since I’m going to need it for the project I purchased this past weekend. Believe me when you follow this link, those that really know me will understand when I say project Number 4 is SO me 🙂

The 2nd piece I own I actually have had for a long time. I got it from Annette when she finished her project but was intimidated by it whenever I looked at it. Now that I’m actually working with a needlepoint instructor, I’m looking forward to stitching it.

Project Number 3 I’m actually actively stitching on right now. It’s a beginner piece by Margaret Bendig (the above mentioned instructor) and I’m enjoying learning reading the charting and stitches.

This new piece is being slipped into my weekly rotation. I did NOT finish the Queen for the fair (I just couldn’t stomach forcing myself to stitch on one project so quit stitching altogether). I really REALLY missed my rotation. Between working out 6 nights a week for 1-1 ½ hours and trying to keep us eating healthy, I don’t know how much stitching time I’m going to be getting on the week nights, but I’m trying.

As to stash acquisition.  Oh boy, have I acquisitioned!  Most of it has been Carriage House Designs.  But I’ve also shopped for my birthday, plus have some things coming from Mesa  from my trip to The Attic.  I am going to have to ratchet it down though and go back to stitching from my stash, except for purching what I need for my aforementioned canvas project.  Wish I could figure out a way to JUST SAY ‘NO.’

Since I last wrote I’ve also received a blogging award. Thank you so much Christina. There are so many blogs I enjoy reading. Please don’t make me list them though, since this post is going to be long enough as it is.  Suffice it to say that I read stitching and non-stitching blogs everyday and am inspired in all walks of my life by you all.

Finally, Kahuna put in an extension to take his current enlistment to March 2011.  In November 2010 he is putting in for retirement and is going to put January 2012 as his requested retirement date.  I don’t entirely understand how it works but supposedly he is allowed to say when he wants to retire, even if it takes him past his current enlistment.  January 1982 is when he entered boot camp so he’s going to request January 2012 as his retirement date to take him to 30 years.  Man.  30 years.  Who could have guessed!  Anyway he is actively saying things like “when we live in Arizona,” etc. and we took a tour of the university while we were there since he will be attending college for the first 4 or so years after he retires.  If things go the way *we* want them to he will be taking terminal leave November 1, 2011, and we’ll be headed to retirement land.

Which leads me back to stitching!  😀

I need to thin out my stash.  My tastes have changed so much over the past 35 years.  I plan on posting some to my blog, then put it on eBay, but if it doesn’t sell, what do I do with it then?  I don’t want to throw it away.  Any suggestions?

And while I’m asking for suggestions — I went through a lot of my WIPs/UFOs during my vacation/sick time off and organized them a bit more.  I actually only have a couple that don’t hold my *love* anymore — believe me I have no problem tossing them in the trash 😉 — but really don’t want to just in case my interest in them returns.  What do you do to re-peak your interest in a WIP/UFO?

I need a roadtrip!

In getting back into the stitching *life* I would like to attend a stitching retreat at the end of this year.  With the demise of CATS I don’t even know what’s out there anymore. 

I would like to attend a retreat – long weekend style maybe? – that will allow me to visit and stitch  – maybe purchase an item or two – but not necessarily *make* something to bring home.  Does that even exist out there?

Kahuna and I are still talking about our roadtrip next month.  Most likely it will be the weekend of May 22 since that will give him time to compete in a couple more races, and time off before the next couple and I won’t have to worry about being around for trial prep for my attorney.  We’re headed to Arizona 😀

I have 3 framed items to share and will take pictures of them this week.



Go Kahuna!

I had to *hand* it to her!

Okay, that’s an awful title, but I”m having brain wave issues this morning.

I spent all day long Saturday in a litigation class.  Very long, very interesting, very informative, very long, very tiring, very brain draining, did I mention very long?  😆

Sunday, we made it to the frame shop!  I turned in Longdog’s The Token, Blackbird Designs’ Strawberry Garden, and a Rouge de Rhin design (it’s OOP).  For those of you who I do stitchy Saturday with, they should be ready for me to share at our next get together.

I’ve been dragging my feet on stitching Summer Queen again, but hanging out at the frame shop and looking at moulding and velvet matting possiblities for her put me in a stitchy frame of mind yesterday and so I stitched enough on her to give her some skin!  Her left hand is now complete except for her bling.  I also received another e-mail from the Fair people and the deadline has been moved toward the end of May for entries…which has caused me to procrastinate in getting her finished 😉  I’ve given Kahuna permission to nag me to stitch 😀 

Kahuna’s half-ironman is next Saturday!  I won’t be going 🙁  The litigation class is two sessions long and the second (and most important to me) session is next Saturday.  I have a chance to move it to May, however, our roadtrip and possible surgery may interfere.  Kahuna has told me to take the class now so I can get it over with and use it.  I feel really badly that I won’t be up at 4:30 a.m. for an early morning check in, 7:15 swim wave start, and standing on the side of the road to cheer him on for the next 5 hours and to be there to cowbell him across the finish line.  🙁  At least he won’t have to feel badly that he needs to sleep for several hours afterwards while I sit and wait for him to start recouperation.

It's a giveaway!

Not this Terri….but THIS Terrie 🙂

Have a great weekend all.

I have a litigation class all day tomorrow (that I’m actually looking foward to) and Sunday is hopefully a day full off x 😉

In search of – FOUND!

Thank you Susan and Robin for your kind offer in getting these to me!

Edited a second time to thank Katrina for leaving that wonderful link in my comments (which for some reason went to spam at first!)

x x x x x x x x x

I’m hoping someone out there who reads my blog can help me find two freebies by La-D-Da.  Alphabet with Hare and Letters & Leaves. 

I’m a huge La-D-Da fan and have never seen these!  I didn’t even know there were freebies.

Help?  Please?  Thanks 🙂

Decorating fever

Spring is here!  At least in my mind.  How do I know?  I have decorating fever.  Every year, just about this time, I get tired of what I have and want to shake things up.  Sort of hard to do, living in military housing, with military white walls, and military grade carpeting and linoleum (not in *my* colors).  I have been perusing the decorating blogs and scaring Kahuna with all of my *I’m collecting for my forever home* talk.  I have a guest room in my mind that I’m collecting for right now.

I invision white (believe it or not!  :lol:) and black!  I found some wonderful fabric and I plan on buying enough to make a bed skirt and pillows.  Here it is:

It also comes reversed and I’ll use that for the border on the pillow cases.

In this room, I plan on using refurbed white furniture.  I’m in the process of hunting for some wood chests that would be appropriate for me to refinish.  I’m trying to decide if I want to hang the queens in an arch over the bed, or use some wording, instead of buying a headboard.  You know I’m going to have to stitch Mirabilia’s Sabrina for that room.  Oh, and I’m also on the hunt for a chandelier that I can refurb with lots of crytals to hang over the bed.

I also want to do something with the shelves in my living room.  They’re teak (all my furniture is dark in there, since I bought if from Korea and Japan).  I’m tired of just books and photos being there.  I don’t want to paint them or anything just now (no more heart attacks for Kahuna, just yet), however, I have been thinking they need some lightening up and may just cave and do it eventually. 😉

As promised, Summer!

I was looking back through my photos in my album and noticed that the first photo I took of Summer Queen was dated September 6, 2009.  Wow, six months between that picture and this next one!  I need to get my stitchie heinie in gear!

Summer Queen

Kahuna’s half ironman is 2 weeks from yesterday.  He seems to be in great training shape.  His attitude is right, too 🙂

I’m off to spend the rest of the day with Star Wars 3-whatever, laundry, and Summer Queen.


Kahuna and I (okay, mostly me) are planning a roadtrip to another state.  Right now, we’re in the look online and ‘gather the maps’ stage.  We’re going to look local this weekend for a state map, and then take it from there.  Hopefully this trip will occur mid to late May.  This will be the first trip we’ve taken since our 25th anniversay — 3 years ago!  I’m very excited to be planning to get away.  I need to get away.

He still hasn’t done anything about extending his time in the Corps, and I suspect he really doesn’t want to but hasn’t found a way to tell me so.  As far as I’m concerned, I really don’t care anymore, just decide something, but I have told him that I absolutely do NOT want to move back to Louisiana.  Period.  The end.  There.  I said it.  Sorry, mom and dad.

I know there is no way we can continue to live here after retirement because the cost of living is outrageous here.  For now, there are two things that require me to stay here.  My want/need to pay off my college while I have a good job (I’m not working if we move from here) and the doctor wants me to stay in the area for a year after my surgery for follow-ups.

We have discussed the staying in the area issue already.  He is planning on going to college the first few years he’s out since the Corps will pay him to do so (on top of giving him his retirement pay).  One of the questions I had was whether or not they would *allow* him to transfer from a school here to another one in another state.  He thinks so, but it going to confirm that.

My question to myself?  Can I get my college paid off in a year???? I think so, if I really buckle down.  One of the things I posted on my ’50’ list was to pay off credit cards and debt and I have been doing so steadily but I have not been as focused as I could have been.  However, I am down to 3 debts right now and one of them will be gone very, very soon.  This will leave the last two, and they are the largest.  One of them frighteningly so (at least to me).

I had another appointment regarding my surgery yesterday morning.  The surgical nurse followed-up with me yesterday afternoon by email but by the time I responded to her inquiry she was gone for the day and she’s off on Fridays.  I’m anxious to see if there’s a response on Monday. 

I owe a photo of Summer Queen.   It’s in my camera.

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