This may very well be the new day of the week that I look forward to. No training today.
All training currently being done indoors.
Swim |
Bike |
Run |
Tuesday |
Off |
2 miles |
Off |
The meeting with the PT was a bust. It was all talk 🙁 Next Tuesday will be all work though, and I’m looking forward to seeing what she has me doing. I have some specific goals that are tri training specific. I want my shoulders stronger for the swim, since there’s no kicking, and I want my knees and hip flexors to withstand the cycling and running required. Everything else will be icing. Whatever I did to my abs seems to be clearing up. I haven’t tried to twist and stretch to that side yet, but I have noticed that it’s not bothering me at all when I do other things.
The 2-mile bike was a snap. I didn’t even break a sweat.
Swim |
Bike |
Run |
Wednesday |
Off |
Walk for 20 minutes |
I felt really weak walking last night. I don’t know why but because of that I was dreading the swim. Whatever it was did not affect my swim, because I cut 4 minutes off Monday’s time. Rather disappointing to only be in the pool such a short time. I’m still not able to complete 100 meters, but I’m getting closer and closer.
I’ve decided to kick back into gear the job hunting. I’ve been driving everyday for a month now and I just cannot stand the frelling traffic. I’m probably going to have to go back to full-time, but I refuse to work anywhere again that requires me to leave my house before 7:30 to be to work before 9. Last Friday it took me an hour an a half to get home, in the rain, leaving the office at 3:00. I may have understood if I had been leaving at 5. Tuesday it took me an hour and a half to get to work. Now that we have the fitness center to train in, I’m not so worried about time for that, since it’s open 24 hours a day.
Going to look at a house this weekend that has a lap pool in the backyard. They’re asking more than we’re willing to pay, but it’s in a neighborhood we like and newer than what we’ve been looking at. The realtor wants us to look at it so she can find a happy medium. I really like that she’s working hard for us knowing that it’ll probably be as late as next fall before we actually buy; however, we have told her that if the right house comes along we’ll buy sooner.
More rain expected from tonight through the weekend. Sounds like snuggle and chili weather to me!
Harley continues to want in my lap with Bandit. I’m going to have to get the camera out so Kahuna can show the puppy pile with me at the bottom.

I can totally understand your problem with the traffic. That’s horrendous. 🙁 I hope you can find something close to home that works well for you.
Congrats on your great training. You are an inspiration!