My holiday from work ended up lasting another half day. It was very hard for me to go to work but I did. Of course my desk was a disaster when I got there….notes, scattered papers, new discovery requests, a new case file, all the little things that make me crazy because they all need to be done, all take up time I feel I could be doing BIG things, and all create more work in the end once they make themselves back to me. It used to not aggravate me like it does now.
My roof has been repaired. The hole inside has been covered with a lovely clear plastic bag surrounded by metallic silver tape, and the tree in my backyard is now minus a huge limb that used to hang over the back roof. No telling when the hole will be properly repaired. We’re still waiting on a bit of drying out, I think.
We also had the cable people out yesterday afternoon. M was home for that though since I don’t understand that type of stuff. We have a new DVR box, and all of our ‘outlets’ and the ‘home port’ has been upgraded. This is supposed to mean faster internet, among other things. I’ve also been added to the account so hopefully I can get our master email account reset and I can get back into A Needle Pulling Thread so I can suck it into this blog.
Today is the first all day stitchy Saturday at Needlepoints, Ltd. It will be so nice to see the girls. There’s always so much going on there and we usually spend the day laughing most of it away. I am going to be working on my needlepoint all day. Hopefully I’ll be able to add some new stitches that have been drawn out.
I’m also going to be spending the night with Melissa. She has graciously agreed to help me with some computer issues. I’m going to take Summer Queen with me — in case there is stitching tinme — since it will be hard for me to work on the needlepoint piece at her place. I am so close to finishing!
I truly have my stitching mojo back. It’s all I think about. It has been about 2 years, if not more, since I’ve felt that way.