Back on August 3rd I shared this tease photo on FB for a new recipe. I can’t say that this recipe was a full success, though, but I’m going to share it anyway.
This was a free recipe from Nov 12 / The Performance Menu
Rainbow Hash
1 1/2 lb turkey sage sausage (I used pork)
1/3 head red cabbage
3 lg carrots
coconut oil
sea salt & pepper
Heat oil over medium heat in large skillet and cook sausage.
Chop veggies separately in food processor. Add to skillet with salt and pepper (can add other seasonings).
Cover and cook 10-12 minutes. Stir often.
I couldn’t find turkey sausage at the time, but have a source now. I cut the kale with a knife instead of using the processor and kept it out until the last 2 minutes. This was super easy and fast. The problem I had with it – too sweet between the sage and the carrots. This is what it looked like cooked, and one of the ways I served it.
I am going to change it up and serve it a different way in a few days and will share that, too.
I used the left over cabbage and made a quick slaw to go with the pulled pork I made earlier this week:
Red Cabbage Slaw
1/2 head red cabbage
1/4 inch slice of red onion
2 T olive oil
2 T rice vinegar
sea salt & pepper
Slice the cabbage, or dice it, however you prefer your slaw cut. Dice onion. In a separate bowl whisk together oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour it over slaw, toss it, and immediately serve. Easy peasy 😀
I need to try that slaw recipe! I’m going to give it a go with my new spiralizer using this idea. 🙂