Oops, it's been another one of those weeks

I managed to find 3 dresses last week on my shopping trip (in addition to some other clothing). I thrilled to death with 2 of them and so-so about the 3rd one. Other than the shopping trip the only other blog worthy thing I did last week was to see Mama Mia! It was very fun and we found ourselves singing throughout the movie.

Today I’m been cooking our ‘meals’ for next week. Tomorrow starts my ‘drop dead don’t let anything get in my’ training, plus I have an opera, wedding, race, and concert to attend on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Whew! I’m planning on my Thurs and Friday swim to happen mid-day since I’m talking the latter part of those days off. I’m determined to get in 4 swims this week, and every week hereafter until the race.

I’ve also deleted several things off my ‘record’ list for the DVR. I figure I’ll miss them, but if they’re not on the DVR I won’t be tempted to sit and watch them instead of doing whatever training I need to do.

I’m still trying to keep Wednesday night as ‘date night’ so we’ll see how that works out.

At work this week I have a bunch of hurry up and do it stuff that needs to get out, and that’s causing me a bit of personal stress. I’m fighting eating it away.

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