Labor day weekend stuff

Kahuna got his surf on and I had my nails done, then we spent the majority of yesterday shopping.  Every now and then we just hit one store after the other in the really large shopping center near us.  Sometimes we score, sometimes we don’t.  I managed to find a top and some shoes for work and I was able to find these great pony tail holders that I’ve been looking for, almost forever, but I wasn’t able to find any suits for work, so I ended up coming home and ordering a couple.  Kahuna bought Harley himself 2 pairs of shoes, 2 shorts, and a book.  While we did get Starbucks, we didn’t eat out, which is what we’ve normally done in the past.  Yeah us!

It’s still morning here and we’ve been busy. Kahuna has been surfing and put the 3rd side of our new fence up.  I’ve gone to WW (-.8#), gotten grocery shopping finished and we’ve had sushi for lunch.  I still need to get my veggie bags for work ready but I plan on doing laundry and stitching for the rest of the day.

We’re grilling steak and have baked potatoes and salad tonight, and grilling carne asada tomorrow. Can’t wait!

I decided to start week 1 over again on Monday, and I’m glad I did. All day long yesterday I felt like the whole bottom of my foot, toward my heel, was a giant stone bruise. Of course it probably doesn’t help that I wear the national shoe of California (flip flops) all day long.

One last thing. I read some absolutely wonderful advice Kim left in a comment on Duane’s blog. I hope she doesn’t mind that I adopt it as well, and share it here. She said not to talk negative.

“Lose weight (you are not losing anything… you are GAINING health and fitness) – Diet (has negative connotations, you are fueling), working out (it is not work it is fun and you ARE an athlete so you TRAIN), you are not fat (you are an Olympic caliber athlete whose body is surrounded by a foreign mass that is keeping you from being in optimal health – it is NOT YOU).”

I also read somewhere (I’ve been reading a lot of fitness book excerpts on Amazon lately) that instead of saying “I want to” say “I will,” so bright and early tomorrow morning, I will be out running my loop. And yes, I AM A RUNNER.

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0 responses to “Labor day weekend stuff

  1. Hey Terri! I look forward to watching your journey!

    Take care,


  2. Great weigh in Terri!! WTG!

  3. WTG, GF!!! And I’m gonna steal that quote, too, and post it in my “getting healthy” blog!

    At the first meeting with the trainer, I told her I’d quit 30+ years of smoking cold turkey, so I can do this, too. I can. And I will. And you will, too.

  4. I love that quoute-I want to steal it too!

  5. I am flattered that everyone like “my” quote – it is one that I found last year and I wish I could remember where it came from to give proper credit. I loved the concept of being an “athlete” long before I got into triathlon and now I call myself an athlete all of the time. I think competing in three triathlons and one half-marathon every year earns me that right and it’s a healthy way of looking at the “gaining health” process.

    Keep up the good work!!