I got the job!

Thank you all who wrote, commented, prayed, crossed fingers, jabbed a pin in something…it worked!  I was offered a job I interviewed for yesterday.  They are meeting my salary demand, plus I will NOT have to commute an hour each way everyday.  I am excited about the prospects the position holds.  I’ll start on the 1st and will have just under a month to get acclimated before a co-worker goes out on a 1-month leave of absence, which I’ll also be covering. 

Now maybe I can settle down and get back into a good rhythm.

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0 responses to “I got the job!

  1. That is fantastic news!!!! How long will your new commute be?

  2. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Congratulations

  4. CONGRATS Terri!! AWESOME! Suz

  5. That’s wonderful!!! Congratulations! I hope a little of that mojo finds its way over here – I could use a new job too!

  6. That’s wonderful news, Terri. Congratulations!

  7. Congrats that’s awesome! Glad you are going to have a better commute. Hope the job is wonderful for you.

  8. Woo hooooo!!! Congrats!! Shorter commute…aweseom!