I will be glad when March is over. I admit to getting a little tired of Kahuna’s training taking priority over everything, even though I understand why it is so.
I’m trying to get my act back together this month by making me the primary focus. I know it’s probably going to take some juggling to keep doing everything I want to do, but I’m going to give it my all. I’ve slacked off in a lot of areas lately, and I’ll be taking steps to get it all back under control.
I will actively look for another job.
I will get back to WW meetings, faithfully.
I will get back to eating better, faithfully.
1 free day a week. Period.
1 fully vegetarian day a week.
I will get back to the gym, faithfully, and build up to:
Walk 3x a week
Swim 3x a week.
Bike 2x a week.
I will continue plugging away at my finances. I’ve divided everything out and know that if I continue on the path I’m on now I can easily be ready to retire on Kahuna’s retirement date, if I decide to go that route at that time.
I will continue to stitch in my stash as much as possible.
I will get The Token framed. The fairgrounds has already notified me about this year’s entries.
I will get my TSL patterns up for sale.
This month’s stitching goals include:
Start stitchalong for Hannah Beeby
Next lesson on Ann Holewll
Page 5 & 6 on French Alphabet Sampler
if any time left over, start Flying Monkies

I hear you, Terri. I’ve been slacking off waaaaay too much lately, too. I plan to spend some time tomorrow really thinking about my journey and getting back in touch with why I want to lose weight. I’ve found that doing that from time to time helps me find my motivation again. We can do this!
Good luck with the March goals, especially the new job one! I’m sending you positive job hunting ~~~vibes~~~