Tag Archives: quiltville mystery

One monthly goal

I do not even remember where I ran across the One Monthly Goal being held by Elm Street Quilts. I just knew that it would play perfectly with my wanting to also participate in Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017 on the Soscrappy blog. I had wanted to participate in RSC before, but I could not get myself organized and just let it go. This is the year though, and I am ready to go.

I have decided to make a Lozenges quilt using Bonnie Hunter’s 2014 Leaders and Enders Challenge. Yeah, I know I already have a Leaders and Enders project going, but I want to use up my scraps.  If this quilt is not finished at the end of 2017, I will not be upset, and can carry on with it into the next year, if RSC happens again (or go on my own).

The color for January is Purple.  I laughed when I saw that.  I am not a purple person.  I’m currently trying to finish a purple and grey quilt for my niece.  En Provence is loaded with purples.  I have purples! I have cut and pieced all that I am going to need from the ones shown in this photo for En Provence.  I have several in my cabinet too.  I have purples.

So, my One Monthly Goal is to make 15-30 3.5” X 6.5” purple lozenges out of the leftovers of En Provence.

As soon as I finish this, I am headed to bed.  I have spent today getting the upper left block, sashing, and first border done on En Provence because I want to be able to share it in my Midnight Flight class tomorrow.

I also cleaned the bobbin casing and feed dogs of my machine (poor little Jenny has been working her hienie off!); put in a new needle; changed the blade in my cutter; recovered my portable ironing “board;” cleaned my iron; refilled my small Best Press bottles; and made sure I have everything else packed for class (I almost forgot to pack the book!). I am always so paranoid  that I will not have enough fabric, and even though she provides very detailed info on how much to bring to class, I think I may have cut enough for the whole quilt!  LOL  I wanted to bring extra so I could maybe swap some neutrals and blacks with other class members, if they are interested.  I am also providing a main course for tomorrow’s potluck, so I checked – for the umpteenth time – to make sure I had everything ready to go into the crockpot before I left tomorrow.

Mister has been a great help to me today.  Every time I turned around he was asking me if I needed anything.  While I am so exhausted right now, he came downstairs and poured me a glass of sparkling wine, because he knows I am so excited to see Bonnie Hunter again, and I am tired, and it will be hard for me to go to sleep 😀

So, I am linking up with Elm Street Quilts today.

Did I say I am excited?!?

P.S. When I went to link up I saw she is also making En Provence, so that is probably how I found the blog! Go figure!  LOL

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