I do not even remember where I ran across the One Monthly Goal being held by Elm Street Quilts. I just knew that it would play perfectly with my wanting to also participate in Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017 on the Soscrappy blog. I had wanted to participate in RSC before, but I could not get myself organized and just let it go. This is the year though, and I am ready to go.
I have decided to make a Lozenges quilt using Bonnie Hunter’s 2014 Leaders and Enders Challenge. Yeah, I know I already have a Leaders and Enders project going, but I want to use up my scraps. If this quilt is not finished at the end of 2017, I will not be upset, and can carry on with it into the next year, if RSC happens again (or go on my own).
The color for January is Purple. I laughed when I saw that. I am not a purple person. I’m currently trying to finish a purple and grey quilt for my niece. En Provence is loaded with purples. I have purples! I have cut and pieced all that I am going to need from the ones shown in this photo for En Provence. I have several in my cabinet too. I have purples.
So, my One Monthly Goal is to make 15-30 3.5” X 6.5” purple lozenges out of the leftovers of En Provence.
As soon as I finish this, I am headed to bed. I have spent today getting the upper left block, sashing, and first border done on En Provence because I want to be able to share it in my Midnight Flight class tomorrow.
I also cleaned the bobbin casing and feed dogs of my machine (poor little Jenny has been working her hienie off!); put in a new needle; changed the blade in my cutter; recovered my portable ironing “board;” cleaned my iron; refilled my small Best Press bottles; and made sure I have everything else packed for class (I almost forgot to pack the book!). I am always so paranoid that I will not have enough fabric, and even though she provides very detailed info on how much to bring to class, I think I may have cut enough for the whole quilt! LOL I wanted to bring extra so I could maybe swap some neutrals and blacks with other class members, if they are interested. I am also providing a main course for tomorrow’s potluck, so I checked – for the umpteenth time – to make sure I had everything ready to go into the crockpot before I left tomorrow.
Mister has been a great help to me today. Every time I turned around he was asking me if I needed anything. While I am so exhausted right now, he came downstairs and poured me a glass of sparkling wine, because he knows I am so excited to see Bonnie Hunter again, and I am tired, and it will be hard for me to go to sleep 😀
So, I am linking up with Elm Street Quilts today.
Did I say I am excited?!?
P.S. When I went to link up I saw she is also making En Provence, so that is probably how I found the blog! Go figure! LOL

Great fabrics for your January goal. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal. (And you En Providence block is wonderful.)
I love the piece you’ve done. I can’t pick colors at all!
I used the 3 in 1 Tool to help me coordinate my colors.
You’ve chosen a good project for your RSC sewing this year! One of these years, I will choose a “Bonnie” pattern for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. Just not THIS year!!
Thank you. I had a hard time choosing between Lozenges or Bricks and Stepping Stones. I have some plaids I think may play better in Bricks and Stepping Stones, so decided to wait on that one.
Welcome to Rainbow Scrap Challenge from all of us, a kind and fun loving group. No pressure here. We will enjoy seeing whatever you are working on, rainbow or not. Have some more purple fun!
Thank you, Paula. I have my purple cut, and some of my blacks and neutrals, so I’m ready to start sewing some lozenges.
I can see why you are exhausted! You got a lot done! So glad that you are joining in – welcome!
Thanks, Angela.
You’ve got so much going on and most of it is purple. I have to figure out what block I’m going to do for RSC. I have tried to do this in the past but didn’t finish. This should be the year. Maybe we’ll both succeed.
Thanks, Bonnie! I hope so too. Planning to pretty much Leader/Ender my RSC project with others. Fingers Crossed.
Glad you are joining in! Your EP quilt is coming along great and looking forward to seeing those lozenges. Enjoy your time with BH.
Thank you Deb. I had a great day. When I catch my breath, I’ll have to update my blog about our day.
Yay for jumping on the RSC train. Looking forward to seeing your lozenges multiply 🙂 Btw, your mystery quilt is looking good!!
Thank you on En Provence, Cherie! I have my lozenges all cut, now just need the ability to sit and sew.