It was as quiet of a day as expected. M and I finally ate around 2:30. I love being able to take my time in the kitchen. I served turkey breast, stuffing, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, broccoli rice casserole, and rolls. There are enough leftovers to carry us through tomorrow. 😉
I gave M a black wool overcoat. He has been wanting one for awhile and they are so very hard to find around here. It fits him very well and I cannot wait to see him in it over a suit…or even in jeans 😆
My gifts were received before Christmas. I got a Juicy heart choker; pajamas, shirt, and several cosmetic items from a shopping excursion at Sephora. I was also able to order some stitching stash. Specifically the charts for Anniversaries of the Heart by Black Bird Designs, the charts for Lizzie Kate’s Christmas Rules, and Stickideen von der Wiehenburg Rose Quaker.
I’ve been stitching off and on today – on my queen – while watching football.
I think I’ve narrowed down my 2011 Stitching Challenge designs. Man, it’s hard!

Hope you had a merry, merry Christmas and I can’t wait to see your list :-).
I can’t wait to see your progress on Rose Quaker! I’ve had that on my wishlist since it was released.
I still need to finalize my 2011 list. I have so many WIPs these days that it’s rather embarrassing. I desperately need to finish some of them before people start calling me the Hoarder of WIPs. 😛
It sounds like you had a lovely day, Terri!
Happy New Year!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas, Terri. I too love to see black wool overcoats! 🙂
Take care!