Shaker box treasure

A couple of weeks ago Kahuna came by work and took me to lunch.  We walked over to a little sidewalk cafe that has the best ‘handmade’ milkshakes in 25 miles.  He likes their hamburgers….a lot 🙂 

Anyway, we’ve walked past this antique ‘mall’ several times in the past 2 years and I always say I’m going to stop in there.  That day I did, and man-oh-man am I glad I did!  It was full of eye-candy and I enjoyed wandering around in there, especially when I came across a beautiful oval shaker box, which included the lid! 

Considering how overpriced everything was in there I don’t know why I bothered looking for the pricetag, but I’m glad I did.  It was marked $18 in one spot and $12 in another.  When I took it to the counter the girl told me it was $9.  As I was grabbing the receipt (yep I whipped out my wallet that fast 😉 ) I told her I would probably have paid $40 for it.

So, here’s the deal.  I know there are a lot of quaker shaker box designs out there.  In fact, I saw this morning that Dames of the Needle has a new release today.  While they’re a fave designer of mine and it’s a lovely design it just doesn’t grab me.  I’m hoping some of my readers will share links/design names with me of other shaker box designs that might work.

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0 responses to “Shaker box treasure

  1. We need to see pictures of your shaker box!

  2. What Susan said – please post pictures!