I am very tired of Summer!

The design, not the season! 😆


I’m down to stitching exclusively on Summer Queen so I can get her finished by the end of the month.  I know it can be done, however, I am very tired of blue, blue, BLUE!  I took a photo of her last night when I moved my Qsnaps and I’ll share that later.

One thing I have learned though is that the little *rotation* I had going was great for me.  I miss the other designs I was stitching on.

I found a new framer practically across the street from where I work.  I had to come in a different route one day last week and there it was!  The little man who owns the place told me he does needlework framing so I’m going to take a smallish piece in and see what he does with it.


Jasper’s paperwork came in a week or so ago.  Both his parents were Champions.  His mother’s name is “Man Magnet” his father’s name is “Songs of Angels,” and Mr. Prissy Pants’ name?????    Hunka Burnin’ Fudge!   Kahuna has taken to calling him Vanilla Ice Fudge Baby.  😉

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