The influence of friends

No sooner do I post that I’m going to start listing what I buy to help me cut back than I come across a post that sends me shopping! 😆

I fell in love with Thankful Wheeler the day Siobhan posted her finish on her blog (Notes from Blue Hen Hollow).  I seem to remember that she stated the chart was OOP; however, today, Miss Siobhan posted that Thankful Wheeler was available, along with other charts, on The Goode Huswife site!  So I had to look.  Then I had to buy.  Not only Thankful Wheeler, but Eliza Perry 1838 and Fanny Erb.  Thank goodness I stopped, because I was also tempted by Plain and Fancy!  Not too badly damaged, but my February budget is gone and it’s only the 2nd!  😆  Thank you Siobhan, I think 😉

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0 responses to “The influence of friends

  1. I find more stuff to do on blog’s than I am able to accomplish. I guess we have to look at this as keeping the designers in business and designing more for us to collect.

  2. But what great stash you got this month! I agree with Kelly – it’s not purchasing but “collecting”!

  3. Oh I know, I ordered Thankful Wheeler, courtesy of Siobhan’s influence, and two other charts. BTW, love your stitchy pictures in the last post.

    Hope your puppies have settled in well together and are best of friends :-).