
So it’s been so long since I blogged – 12 days – that the “new post” section looks completely new!  😆

Since my last post the information overload continues, but it is slacking off.  A couple of new cases have come in and starting from the beginning is a heck of a lot easier to understand than jumping into the middle and not knowing much of the history behind the case.  This is my last week of training, though, since A will be going out for surgery and not returning until sometime in the beginning part of June.  I’ve been out walking a couple of times during lunch, and am getting to know what’s in the area.  I’ve got to stay away from the food places though, since there’s a little bit of everything tempting available.

I participated in the 5K a week ago (that I mentioned in my last post), and it kicked my butt.  The temperature was 15 degrees warmer than what I was used to, I had not been on anything but a treadmill (just following Dr.’s orders), and I probably really had no business out there in the first place, but I’m stubborn.  I did finish.  It wasn’t pretty – I walked the whole thing.  I was in pain for 3 days afterward, but not my heel!  Since my heel didn’t bother me, I’m back out to training on the road this week.  I’m thinking of signing up for a duathlon that is (I think) in mid-June.  Gotta run, twice…gotta bike!

Speaking of ‘gotta bike.’  Kahuna finally got all the parts in for my bike.  It needs the peddles attached, and handlebar tape and air in the tires, and I’m set to go.

Still no stitching to report.  I was planning on doing some tonight, but Kahuna waited until this past weekend to finish our taxes (since we have to pay Federal) and procrastination of something this big freaks me out and I can’t sit and stitch when my mindset is like it is tonight.  The frogs would have a field day.

Thank you for your condolences to Kahuna about his Marine friend – I shared them with him.  The memorial service was this past week and it was sort of an eye opener for him.  It was almost like he just realized how bad things are for those of us who stay behind while they’re over there.  The Marine was actually buried Saturday, week ago, but his wife came back here for the memorial service.  Kahuna made mention of the other wives who were there, and how stoic their faces were.  I reminded him that they were trying to be brave for her and were trying not to show how thankful they were that the memorial service wasn’t for their husbands.  He did have a moment that pissed him off, and that was when someone was extolling the virtues of this fine Marine…he said he could imagine her wanting to scream how unimportant all the words were, and I told him he had no idea. 

One thing this has allowed between the two of us is to talk to him how I feel about his wanting to return.  I reminded him that this Marine was moved to a unit that he wanted to be a part of.  He was given a job he didn’t particularly want, and then was told he was to remain behind to be in charge while everyone else went off to “war.”  He wasn’t happy about that so volunteered to go and train the border guards of Afghanistan/Iraq, and was killed 3 days before his unit (who was in the Horn of Africa) returned to the US.    So now Kahuna’s at a new unit that he wanted to be part of and they deployed to Iraq almost immediately after he attached himself.  He was told he was remaining behind and is currently the acting Sergeant Major of his unit.  He’s not completely happy about this and had mentioned not too long after the deployment took place that he could always volunteer to go and train the border guards if they didn’t let him deploy with the second waive.  Did he see where I was headed with this?  I told him I would be very angry with him for a very long time if he went off like that and got himself killed.  I also asked him if he thought that was fair to me, considering he was supposed to have retired this year, on 9/11

So here I am blogging again after almost 2 weeks and leaving this post on a downer too.  Sorry 🙁

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0 responses to “Ketchup!

  1. You should never apologize for the things you write in your blog. They are your thoughts and are there for a reason.

    {{{hug}}} on the memorial and the discussion with Kahuna…

  2. Ditto what WG said ’bout ‘pologizing! It sounds like that was a good discussion that was much needed!!

  3. Been thinking of you, your husband, and the marine’s family. Take care and never worry about being a downer. I like that you’re real, and honest. Take care.

  4. {{{Terri}}} – I would be angry, too!