The colors in the 2nd photo are a little washed out. The gold borders shows up better in real life 🙂 It’s fun to stitch now that I’ve figured out the secret to using the silks (dampen them and make sure to use my stitcher’s lotion). I did have to frog a couple of times because the chart has an “x” next to a “+” so now I know to pay better attention 😉
Next up is Peacock Tapestry. I’m using a random generator code on my spreadsheet and it has spoken.
I still need to put my Santa collection away and take down my stitching tree, then M and I are headed out to a movie and the home improvement store, so the stitching will have to wait until this afternoon. He needs some stuff to get his bikes stored, and I’m hoping it’ll take him most of the afternoon to get that sorted so I can stitch guilt free.
I’m almost finished with my 2012 stitching “goals” list so I’ll probably be posting that tonight.
Before I forget, here’s my Christmas present from M. I love the ideas I’ve been getting from Pinterest!
I’m in the process of moving my linens from upstairs to the closet next to the dryer, so don’t judge me 🙂

Hee hee! The chandelier is beautiful!!
I love the way your “warmed up” the colors for the Spanish sampler. It’s going to be gorgeous.
wow Mexican Sampler looks stunning already. What a great start to the year 🙂
Thanks Lisa, it is SO nice to see you blogging again!
Looking good 🙂
I definitely need a new light fixture in my laundry area now. LOL
Hmmmm, I may know just the guy to install it for you for a small fee. LOL
Love the Mexican Sampler and OMG the chandelier is wonderful!!!!!
Thanks gals!
Your Mexican sampler is looking lovely. The colors are gorgeous. Wherever did he find that chandelier. I am looking for a small chandelier to hang in my bedroom and still have not found just the RIGHT one.
Kathy I sent you an email.
I may have already said this on FB but I love how this is stitching up – the colours are gorgeous!
You have a great start on the Mexican Sampler.