I am so happy today is the end of 2016, and I am very much looking forward to 2017. I have penciled in some ideas, set some not-too-lofty goals, and am crossing my fingers that I, my family, and friends have a healthy, happy year.
I have selected a word that I think best represents my goals for 2017. If you follow me on Instagram (link in the right column) you will have already seen this, but here is a tidbit of how I came to select that word:
…I have always felt as long as I make positive progress, no matter how small, I will succeed. And it goes hand in hand with my “think happy thoughts” and “stop saying, start doing” from past years…
I will progress forward in 2017.
To help with that I have made some minor tweaks to my blog. Still more changes need to be made that will happen with time, but most of it is just adjusting some info in the tabs up top.
Most of my goals for the year spin around my quilting and stitching. A few, in no particular order, are:
Attend my Girlfriend Reunion in Vegas – This is my new year beginning.
Maintain my daily routine to the best of my ability. If there is interest, I’m more than happy to post more details. I will say that my daily routine keeps me very time- and guilt-free to sew and stitch a lot.
Stay the course on my Year of WIPs Challenge – I am so, so happy with how much progress I have already made since starting this on October 1.
Set up my Scrappy Planner (by Lori Holt) – While I do use my phone/computer to keep appointments and send me reminders, I will always be a paper and pencil gal, and I love having a written plan for housework, quilting, stitching, menus, travel, etc. This particular planner is designed by a scrappy quilter and I’m looking forward to seeing if this will be the fit for my lifestyle, I am hoping it to be.
Finish all the way to binding En Provence, Midnight Flight, Swoon, Kristen’s Quilt, and Kristen’s Baby Quilt.
Attend my quilt chapter Spring Quilt Camp – I did not attend a single camp in 2016.
Attend more quilt chapter meetings. In June I was selected to be the co-recording secretary, from July to end in October-ish. The other person decided to drop out to spend more time with a soon to be born grandchild, so I agreed to stay in the full capacity. I may consider asking to stay an additional year. In any event, I am making a concerted effort to attend more meetings (they are about an hour drive away from me).
Attend my annual June cross-stitch get together – this year in Nashville.
Post one quilt-related goal a month on my blog – This is a new-to-me event. The link with more information is in my left sidebar.
Flosstube – this is a biggie for me. It will be a learning curve and a put myself out there curve. While “flosstube” is a specific cross-stitch “term,” I intend to include my quilting.
Continue to try one new recipe a month – I succeed at this easier that I thought I would when I started it way back when. The key to my success is always keeping breakfast-for-dinner available for those recipes that fail so bad it immediately goes into the garbage disposal, or in the outside garbage can. I am never afraid of trying something new since I know I have a standby in case it is not “eatable.” 😀
Whew! Reading back over that sounds like a whole lot, but it is really not. The hard part for me will be staying the course and not letting my ADD/Squirrel!!! tendencies get in my way.
Last, but not least, I have a huge decision to make about a volunteer position that takes up a lot of my time, and sometimes mental energy, January-May every year.
I have volunteered for Phoenix Comicon in one capacity or another for 4 years. I have also volunteered for the smaller Phoenix Fan Fest, at a different time of the year, 2 different years during that 4 years. While January-March is mostly my spending an hour twice a day, once a month, driving back and forth to downtown Phoenix (and the gas!), plus spending 4 hours in several meetings (we’re up to 6 hours, now), April-May is all of that plus up to about 20 additional hours a week on the computer dealing with staffing issues, and last year emailing back and forth with artists/vendors regarding staff discounts/donations. Then there is the time and the money I have spent during the convention itself to make sure I am doing the job the way my Manager, Directors, and the Convention owner want it done for the convention to be successful. I can safely say it was not rare for me to put in 60 hours from 8 a.m. Thursday to Sunday 9 p.m., and this past year my new position had me there starting 9 a.m. Wednesday, however I did leave around noon on Sunday.
Major changes are being made in the business (because that is what it is) that many people, myself included, are not happy about, so they are going to have to convince me that those major changes, which do affect me, are worth the amount of time I devote (and the money I am already spending). Right now I am feeling like I have been kicked in the teeth, and am questioning why I ever bothered to get involved. There is a meeting this coming Saturday with the owner and I will make my decision after that.
Since I have always been one to make a contingency plan, I have pretty much decided what I will be doing with that time if I they cannot convince me. More on that later.
So, now I am off to sew together the parts I cut out for En Provence Part 6. I know I have been remiss in posting progress photos here, however you can find them on my Instagram.
Enjoy the rest of your 2016, and if it is already 2017 where you are, Happy New Year, and I hope it brings you every wonderful thing you want.