…now why don’t she write? (brownie points if you know where that’s from.)
What happened to Wednesday? I managed to tick a few things off my to-do list, but not near as many as I thought I would. Getting back into a routine is always hard for me and between getting off of it over the holidays, and then last weekend’s trip, I’m struggling more than usual. While I think I’m completely over whatever ailment I had I have now caught a case of the lazies or the I-don’t-wannas.
I did manage to get the kitchen back in order and the laundry started, among other things, but I never made it into my craft room yesterday, other than to fight with my laptop, so no new progress photo to share.
I don’t know what I’ve done but for some reason my ActiveX Control doohicky is not working on Explorer. I’ve “googled” and followed written and video direction and it still won’t work. I’m using Chrome for now but I can’t access any of my bookmarks and this old bird doesn’t like change — at all!
Mister had class all day/evening so he wasn’t there to fix it so I soothed my frustration somewhat by stitching more on And The Sinned while finishing off the first season of Eureka and starting on the second season and setting my timer between episodes and working on the house (and probably muttering about the computer the whole time).
The weather here was unbelievably wonderful yesterday so I left the slider open while I was downstairs and the puppies were in and out so much they wore themselves (and the birds they chased off) out.
Mister only has 1 class this afternoon. I’m supposed to head to Attic for open stitch night but I haven’t decided whether or not to go. I haven’t seen him very much since last Thursday and it might be nice to have a night on the couch with him and the puppies catching up on the DVR.
Tomorrow is the first Friday that I’ll be accompanying Mister to campus. We’ve scheduled to get his Beemer worked on (a strut or something is leaking) and My Shiny gets her first oil change. I’ll probably read while he’s in class and whatever else we do will be decided later.
Gotta get off this contraption and get something accomplished!

To Do lists seem to bog us down and make us feel worthless or give us a feeling of accomplishment. But the list continues to grow, doesn’t it?
If you stick with Chrome(which sometimes I like and sometimes I don’t) you can import your bookmarks from internet explorer to chrome. It will put them in alphabetacil order.
I know! I know! 🙂
Glad you’re settling back into your regular schedule after our weekend fun…