Category Archives: Retirement


Happy fall, y’all!  I cannot begin to say how many times I have sat down to write, then got distracted by something else.  That something else has usually been stash that needed to be sorted, catalogued, or put away; and, sometimes, stitched on 😀

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my last day as an employed person.  This past year has seen so many changes in my life and they must have all been pretty good because as I sit here writing this I cannot think of any horrible thing that has occured.

I have traveled more this past year than in many years combined, both near and far.  I am looking forward to where the 2nd year of my “retirement” takes me.  I have also stitched and quilted more than I ever have and am having a blast (when I’m not feeling guilty about it).

The next phase of my crafting is about to begin with my framing some of my own smaller finished needlework.  I have been gathering the equipment needed, and even have some frame moulding.  It’s now just a matter of getting over my “what if I mess it up” jitters and make that first cut.

What have I been doing since my last post?  This!

Carriage House Samplings’ “Americana.”

CHS Americana 5/25 - 6/9/12

Little House Needleworks “America”

LHN "America" 6/9 - 6/17/12

Sheepish Designs “Betsy”

Sheepish Designs "Betsy" 6/17 - 6/25/12

Blackbird Designs “America”

Blackbird Designs "America" 6/25 - 7/8/12

I had intended on stitching patriotic designs all the way through until September 11, but changed my mind and decided to go back to my other WIPs.  Soooooo,  I also finished Mary Wigham

Mary Wigham finished September 1, 2012

Mary is at Attic Needlework being framed.  I don’t remember off the top of my head when I started her and I didn’t stitch on her exclusively, but I did track when I worked on her.  It took me 51 days to stitch her.  I converted the recommended DMC to Gentle Arts Sampler Threads.  There are a lot of memories attached to her 😀  The Olympics, test driving new cars, attending a stitching weekend with Attic Needlework (wait until you see what I’m working on from that!), Mister starting college, a trip back to California to see Son and visit Melissa and see Darla.

I took a reading break after Mary Wigham them picked Dimples Designs’ “Haiku” back up on September 17th.  I originally started it January 2004 during a Guilt Free stitching sprint, put him away for a long time, picked him back up the beginning of this year, and put him away again.  I am very near to finishing it but have to make myself stitch on it since there are other things I want to be working on.

As you can tell I sort of gave up on WIPacolypse (and Theme-a-licious).  Not the stitching, just the checking in.  I am one of those people who can’t keep up with moon phases — hard to believe I’m a moon child — and believe tracking should be done from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month.  I am continuing to stitch on my WIPacoplypse pieces though since they’re pieces I love and want hanging on my walls.  I know 2012 is not quite over but I’m keeping in mind already what I want to accomplish in 2013, and I’ll probably maintain some sort of WIPacolypse type list and intersperse it with smalls since I have so many and I want to work on my finishing skills.

The only other thing I really want to have finished is the stitching on Fairy Moon.  If all I have left to do is bead by the end of the year I’ll be a happy stitcher.  She will be going to a framer and I’d just as soon not have her sitting around after I finish her because how I want her framed will probably cost me a fair bit and I don’t want to spend that money until after January since right now I’m spending my money on furnishing the house a bit more.  I’m installing a new chande over the dining table and at the top of the stairs, buying new furniture for the family room, and rearranging some of the other furniture.  I’m also getting ready to paint the downstairs powder room and I want to get my piano refurbished if possible.

So.  There you have it!  I’ve made a couple of changes on my stitching page but all in all I’m a happy person!

Just a quickie

I’m still here.

I’m unbelievably busy in a good way.

I have posts planned regarding that ticker over there on the right 🙂 , the quilting class I’m taking, a trip to Vegas (to cross stitch 😉 ), the quilting “expo” I attended yesterday, my Ort jar, and the amount of stitching I’ve been doing and the progress I’m making in rotating.

Life is good.  It will be better next Wednesday when my Marine gets back home.

Same old, same old

Slowly but surely it’s getting there.  I am very tired of unpacking (have I said that already?) but we’re down to the nitty gritty.  Yesterday we got the extra linens unpacked and sorted, the 2 final wardrobe boxes unpacked (I need to sort through for the giveaway box), my quilts put up and some more shelves arranged.

Vietnam Vets picked up several boxes this morning so our garage is less cluttered, I feel good about not throwing perfectly good “stuff” away that I no longer wanted or needed, and now I have room to declutter more!  I think they come through the neighborhood once a month.  I do know they mail out notices with collection bags about 2 weeks before they pick up.

I hung the first things on my office walls yesterday.  My new 2012 Anne Taintor calendar (which is already marked for 2 needlework related getaways), 1 stitched piece, and 2 prints I was given as a going away present from the paralegal job I had in South Carolina 20+ years ago.  I also finally got my desk cleaned off (I was starting to pile everything on it that didn’t have a place to go), filed for unemployment, and just continued the organization march all around.

I have not finished Christmas decorations!  😕  I feel like I’ve been going in 3 different directions at the same time during my day.  I need M’s help but I hate bothering him when he’s working on a different part of the house.  Tomorrow is the deadline for me though since Son and Girlfriend are coming early Saturday morning.  Besides, who wants to be decorating on Christmas Eve?  Next year 🙄 I’ll have more time, and know where my decorations are.

Today I start my goodie baking.  I’m making Pecan Pie Muffins to take to the stitch-together at the Attic tonight.  Besides the fact that I think they’re delicious, this will be my first time at the stitch-together and I’m hoping if I bring them they’ll like me 😉  In addition to the muffins I’ll also be baking chocolate chip cookies, peppermint sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, and oatmeal raisin cookies.  I doubt I’ll get them all done today, but that’s probably a good thing so I won’t be tempted to eat them all today.  I’ve decided to just stick with cookies this year so I can tin them up and send a bunch home with Son and Girlfriend.

I’m still plugging away on HoHRH in the evenings, but I’m ready to put it down for awhile.  I’ve been trying to tell myself that each block is a different design but that’s no longer working for me.  I am just NOT a one-at-a-time stitcher.  Yesterday I found the watch I use to time my 10 hour rotations and just got plain old giddy!  Of course, I haven’t used it in so long the battery is dead, but that will be taken care of tomorrow 😀

Tonight, and probably for the rest of the year, I’m switching stitching projects.  I’m going to take my much neglected Hannah Beeby.  I started her March 2008.  I noticed this morning that she was never added to my WIPs list 😕  Might explain why she’s been neglected, and also is just one more proof that I have way too many WIPs.  Good thing I’m participating in the WIPocalypse (which, BTW, is up to 245 members!).

I’ve updated my Retirement countdown ticker.  M has more definite information on his orders so what you see over there —–> is when his retirement is official.  He’ll be headed to California on January 20th and returning home on January 31st or February 1st.  I’m so happy he’s taking some of his leave time to surf with his friends.  He probably won’t be going back to California until some time in June.  That’s a very long time for a surfer to be without his surf.  I know he’ll be filling in that time with more running tho.  He’s not planning on doing any triathlons in 2012 (he’s volunteering for the Phoenix Ironman)  but is planning on a marathon or 2.  He hasn’t put on his running shoes the whole time he’s been here and I can’t ever remember a time during our 30 years of marriage that he’s gone this long without running.  At least when he starts back his knees and ankles will be healthy!

Woohoo Wednesday

I can’t believe it’s February!  I know where January went but still!  Hello!  Slow down.  Or maybe speed up?

M and I had another nice talk last night about when we’re outta here.  Something set him off at work this week and he’s ready to cut and run.  He calculated his leave time on the books, included his ‘house hunting’ leave, and figures he can tell them to take this job and shove it in November.  He wants us to sign papers on a house in October!  Yikes!  Yippee!  Woohoo!  Yikes!

Still no stitching.  Sigh.  I have been spending 15 minutes a night in my craft room though.  Decluttering.  I can see a good 6″ square of desktop now.  Just kidding.  Sort of.  It’s a disaster in there! 

All kidding aside, I’ve adopted a new mantra this year. 

Put it UP instead of put it DOWN. 

Just by spending 15 minutes each night I was able to gather the supplies for two designs (they were scattered willy nilly).  I need some floss toss help with the fabrics and have loaded both of them in my stitchy to-go bag for the next Stitchy Saturday.

As to my weight.  Woohoo!  I got on the scale this morning for an unofficial look for the Power of One challenge at Shrinking Jeans.   I’ve been a little nervous since I’ve eaten 2/3 of my weekly points.  First time and I am curious to see what it does to tomorrow’s official weigh in at Weight Watchers.

Hair appointment this afternoon so I’m out of work early.  Any day away from work is a good day in my book.

Thank you gals for checking in to the new blog.

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